.. _sec.install: Compilation, Installation ========================= .. program:: why3 Installing Why3 --------------- Installation via Opam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The simplest way to install Why3 is via Opam, the OCaml package manager. It is as simple as :: opam install why3 Then jump to :numref:`sec.provers` to install external provers. Why3 also provides a graphical user interface (see :numref:`sec.gui` and :numref:`sec.ideref`), which can be installed using :: opam install why3-ide Finally, the Opam package ``why3-coq`` provides realizations of Why3's standard library, which are useful for doing interactive proofs using the Coq formal system (see :numref:`chap.itp`). Installation via Docker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Instead of compiling Why3, one can also execute a precompiled version (for *amd64* architecture) using Docker. The image containing Why3 as well as a few provers can be recovered using .. parsed-literal:: docker pull registry.gitlab.inria.fr/why3/why3:|release| docker tag registry.gitlab.inria.fr/why3/why3:|release| why3 Let us suppose that there is a file :file:`foo.mlw` in your current directory. If you want to verify it using Z3, you can type .. code-block:: shell docker run --rm --volume `pwd`:/data --workdir /data why3 prove foo.mlw -P z3 If you want to verify :file:`foo.mlw` using the graphical user interface, the invocation is slightly more complicated as the containerized application needs to access your X server: .. code-block:: shell docker run --rm --network host --user `id -u` --volume $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/guest/.Xauthority --env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --volume `pwd`:/data --workdir /data why3 ide foo.mlw It certainly makes sense to turn this command line into a shell script for easier use: .. code-block:: shell #!/bin/sh exec docker run --rm --network host --user `id -u` --volume $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/guest/.Xauthority --env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --volume `pwd`:/data --workdir /data why3 "$@" It is also possible to run the graphical user interface from within a web browser, thus alleviating the need for a X server. To do so, just set the environment variable ``WHY3IDE`` to ``web`` and publish port 8080: .. code-block:: shell docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 --env WHY3IDE=web --user `id -u` --volume `pwd`:/data --workdir /data why3 ide foo.mlw You can now point your web browser to http://localhost:8080/. As before, this can be turned into a shell script for easier use: .. code-block:: shell #!/bin/sh exec docker --rm -p 8080:8080 --env WHY3IDE=web --user `id -u` --volume `pwd`:/data --workdir /data why3 "$@" Installation from sources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In short, installation from sources proceeds as follows. :: ./configure make make install After unpacking the distribution, go to the newly created directory |whypath|. Compilation must start with a configuration phase which is run as :: ./configure This analyzes your current configuration and checks if requirements hold. Compilation requires: - The Objective Caml compiler. It is available as a binary package for most Unix distributions. For Debian-based Linux distributions, you can install the packages :: ocaml ocaml-native-compilers It is also installable from sources, downloadable from the site http://caml.inria.fr/ocaml/ For some of the Why3 tools, additional OCaml libraries are needed: - For the graphical interface, the LablGtk3 library is needed. It provides OCaml bindings of the GTK3 graphical library. For Debian-based Linux distributions, you can install the packages :: liblablgtk3-ocaml-dev liblablgtksourceview3-ocaml-dev It is also installable from sources, available from the site https://garrigue.github.io/lablgtk/ If you want to use the Coq realizations (:numref:`sec.realizations`), then Coq has to be installed before Why3. Look at the summary printed at the end of the configuration script to check if Coq has been detected properly. Similarly, in order to use PVS (:numref:`sec.pvs`) or Isabelle (:numref:`sec.isabelle`) to discharge proofs, PVS and Isabelle must be installed before Why3. You should check that those proof assistants are correctly detected by the :file:`configure` script. When configuration is finished, you can compile Why3. :: make Installation is performed (as super-user if needed) using :: make install Installation can be tested as follows: #. install some external provers (see :numref:`sec.provers` below) #. run :why3:tool:`why3 config` #. run some examples from the distribution, e.g., you should obtain the following (provided the required provers are installed on your machine): .. code-block:: console $ cd examples $ why3 replay logic/scottish-private-club 1/1 (replay OK) $ why3 replay same_fringe 18/18 (replay OK) Local use, without installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Installing Why3 is not mandatory. It can be configured in a way such that it can be used from its compilation directory: :: ./configure --enable-local make The Why3 executable files are then available in the subdirectory :file:`bin/`. This directory can be added to your :envvar:`PATH`. .. _sec.installlib: Installation of the Why3 API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default, the Why3 API is not installed. It can be installed using :: make byte opt make install-lib Beware that if your OCaml installation relies on Opam installed in your own user space, then ``make install-lib`` should *not* be run as super-user. Removing installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Removing installation can be done using :: make uninstall make uninstall-lib .. _sec.provers: Installing External Provers --------------------------- Why3 can use a wide range of external theorem provers. These need to be installed separately, and then Why3 needs to be configured to use them. There is no need to install automatic provers, e.g., SMT solvers, before compiling and installing Why3. For installation of external provers, please refer to the specific section about provers from https://www.why3.org/. (If you have installed Why3 via Opam, note that you can install the SMT solver Alt-Ergo via Opam as well.) Once you have installed a prover, or a new version of a prover, you have to run the following command: :: why3 config It scans your :envvar:`PATH` for provers and updates your configuration file (see :numref:`sec.why3config`) accordingly. Multiple versions of the same prover ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why3 is able to use several versions of the same prover, e.g., it can use both CVC4 1.4 and CVC4 1.5 at the same time. The automatic detection of provers looks for typical names for their executable command, e.g., :program:`cvc4` for CVC3. However, if you install several versions of the same prover it is likely that you would use specialized executable names, such as :program:`cvc4-1.4` or :program:`cvc4-1.5`. If needed, the command :why3:tool:`why3 config add-prover` can be used to specify names of prover executables: :: why3 config add-prover CVC4 /usr/local/bin/cvc4-dev cvc4-dev The first argument (here ``CVC4``) must be one of the known provers. The list of these names can be obtained using :why3:tool:`why3 config list-supported-provers`. They can also be found in the file :file:`provers-detection-data.conf`, typically located in :file:`/usr/local/share/why3` after installation. See :numref:`sec.proverdetectiondata` for details. .. _sec.uninstalledprovers: Session update after prover upgrade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you happen to upgrade a prover, e.g., installing CVC4 1.5 in place of CVC4 1.4, then the proof sessions formerly recorded will still refer to the old version of the prover. If you open one such a session with the GUI, and replay the proofs, a popup window will show up for asking you to choose between three options: - Keep the former proof attempts as they are, with the old prover version. They will not be replayed. - Remove the former proof attempts. - Upgrade the former proof attempts to an installed prover (typically an upgraded version). The corresponding proof attempts will become attached to this new prover, and marked as obsolete, to make their replay mandatory. If a proof attempt with this installed prover is already present the old proof attempt is just removed. Note that you need to invoke again the replay command to replay those proof attempts. - Copy the former proofs to an installed prover. This is a combination of the actions above: each proof attempt is duplicated, one with the former prover version, and one for the new version marked as obsolete. Notice that if the prover under consideration is an interactive one, then the copy option will duplicate also the edited proof scripts, whereas the upgrade-without-copy option will just reuse the former proof scripts. Your choice between the three options above will be recorded, one for each prover, in the Why3 configuration file. Within the GUI, you can discard these choices via the :menuselection:`Files --> Preferences` dialog: just click on one choice to remove it. Outside the GUI, the prover upgrades are handled as follows. The :why3:tool:`replay` command will take into account any prover upgrade policy stored in the configuration. The :why3:tool:`session` command performs move or copy operations on proof attempts in a fine-grained way, using filters, as detailed in :numref:`sec.why3session`. .. _sec.installeditormodes: Editing WhyML Sources --------------------- The Why3 distributions come with some configuration files for Emacs and for Vim. These files are typically installed in the shared data directory, which is given by :option:`why3 --print-datadir`. Emacs ~~~~~ The Why3 distributions come with a mode for Emacs in a file :file:`why3.el`. That file is typically found in sub-directory :file:`emacs`. Under OPAM, this file is installed in a shared directory :file:`emacs/site-lisp` for all OPAM packages. Here is a sample Emacs-Lisp code that can be added to your :file:`.emacs` configuration file. .. code-block:: lisp (setq why3-share (if (boundp 'why3-share) why3-share (ignore-errors (car (process-lines "why3" "--print-datadir"))))) (setq why3el (let ((f (expand-file-name "emacs/why3.elc" why3-share))) (if (file-readable-p f) f (when (and opam-share (file-directory-p opam-share)) (let ((f (expand-file-name "emacs/site-lisp/why3.elc" opam-share))) (if (file-readable-p f) f nil)))))) (when why3el (require 'why3 why3el)) Notice that the code above checks the presence of the file :file:`why3.el` in the OPAM repository using the :file:`opam-share` variable, which is supposed to be set before, e.g. using .. code-block:: lisp (setq opam-share (if (boundp 'opam-share) opam-share (ignore-errors (car (process-lines "opam" "var" "share"))))) More generally, setting up a proper Emacs environment together with OPAM can be done by installing the OPAM package :file:`user-setup` (see https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/user-setup/). Vim ~~~ Some configuration files are present in the share data directory, under sub-directory :file:`vim`. .. _sec.installshellmodes: Shells Auto-completion for Why3 ------------------------------- Some configuration files for shells are distributed in the shared data directory, which is given by :option:`why3 --print-datadir`. There are configuration files for ``bash`` and ``zsh``. The configuration for ``bash`` can be made from Why3 sources using :: sudo make install-bash or directly doing :: sudo /usr/bin/install -c `why3 --print-datadir`/bash/why3 /etc/bash_completion.d .. _sec.installinferloop: Inference of Loop Invariants ---------------------------- This section shows how to install *infer-loop*, an utility based on *abstract interpretation* to infer loop invariants :cite:`baudin17`. This is still work in progress and many features are still very limited. The ``infer-loop`` utility has the following OCaml dependencies. - ``apron``: can be installed using ``opam``. - ``camllib``: can be installed using ``opam``. - ``fixpoint``: follow instructions below. The ``apron`` and ``camllib`` libraries can be installed using ``opam``. The ``fixpoint`` library is not available in ``opam``, but it can be easily compiled and installed using the source code. The following commands are just an example of how the library can be compiled and installed, and can be performed in any directory. .. code-block:: shell svn co svn://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/bjeannet/pkg/fixpoint cd fixpoint/trunk/ cp Makefile.config.model Makefile.config # if required make modifications to Makefile.config make all # compiles make install # uses ocamlfind to install the library By default the *infer-loop* mechanism is not compiled and integrated with Why3. So, once the dependencies above are installed, the configuration script of Why3 should enable the compilation of the ``infer-loop`` utility. This can be done by passing to the Why3 configure script the ``--enable-infer`` flag, as follows: .. code-block:: console $ ./configure --enable-infer ... Summary ----------------------------------------- Components Invariant inference(exp): yes ... The line ``Invariant inference(exp)`` indicates whether the dependencies are correctly installed and whether the flag mentioned above was selected. After the compilation, the loop inference mechanism should be available. See :numref:`sec.runwithinferloop` for more details.