The WhyML Language Reference ============================ In this chapter, we describe the syntax and semantics of WhyML. Lexical Conventions ------------------- Blank characters are space, horizontal tab, carriage return, and line feed. Blanks separate lexemes but are otherwise ignored. Comments are enclosed by ``(*`` and ``*)`` and can be nested. Note that ``(*)`` does not start a comment. Strings are enclosed in double quotes (``"``). The backslash character ``\``, is used for escaping purposes. The following escape sequences are allowed: - ``\`` followed by a *new line* allows for multi-line strings. The leading spaces immediately after the new line are ignored. - ``\\`` and ``\"`` for the backslash and double quote respectively. - ``\n``, ``\r``, and ``\t`` for the new line feed, carriage return, and horizontal tab character. - ``\DDD``, ``\oOOO``, and ``\xXX``, where ``DDD`` is a decimal value in the interval 0-255, ``OOO`` an octal value in the interval 0-377, and ``XX`` an hexadecimal value. Sequences of this form can be used to encode Unicode characters, in particular non printable ASCII characters. - any other escape sequence results in a parsing error. The syntax for numerical constants is given by the following rules: .. productionlist:: digit: "0" - "9" hex_digit: "0" - "9" | "a" - "f" | "A" - "F" oct_digit: "0" - "7" bin_digit: "0" | "1" integer: `digit` (`digit` | "_")* : | ("0x" | "0X") `hex_digit` (`hex_digit` | "_")* : | ("0o" | "0O") `oct_digit` (`oct_digit` | "_")* : | ("0b" | "0B") `bin_digit` (`bin_digit` | "_")* real: `digit`+ `exponent` : | `digit`+ "." `digit`* `exponent`? : | `digit`* "." `digit`+ `exponent`? : | ("0x" | "0X") `hex_digit`+ `h_exponent` : | ("0x" | "0X") `hex_digit`+ "." `hex_digit`* `h_exponent`? : | ("0x" | "0X") `hex_digit`* "." `hex_digit`+ `h_exponent`? exponent: ("e" | "E") ("-" | "+")? `digit`+ h_exponent: ("p" | "P") ("-" | "+")? `digit`+ char: "a" - "z" | "A" - "Z" | "0" - "9" : | " " | "!" | "#" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "'" | "(" : | ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | "-" | "." | "/" | ":" : | ";" | "<" | "=" | ">" | "?" | "@" | "[" | "]" : | "^" | "_" | "`" | "\\" | "\n" | "\r" | "\t" | '\"' : | "\" ("0" | "1") `digit` `digit` : | "\" "2" ("0" - "4") `digit` : | "\" "2" "5" ("0" - "5") : | "\x" `hex_digit` `hex_digit` : | "\o" ("0" - "3" ) `oct_digit` `oct_digit` string: '"' `char`* '"' Integer and real constants have arbitrary precision. Integer constants can be given in base 10, 16, 8 or 2. Real constants can be given in base 10 or 16. Notice that the exponent in hexadecimal real constants is written in base 10. Identifiers are composed of letters, digits, underscores, and primes. The syntax distinguishes identifiers that start with a lowercase letter or an underscore (:token:`lident_nq`), identifiers that start with an uppercase letter (:token:`uident_nq`), and identifiers that start with a prime (:token:`qident`, used exclusively for type variables): .. productionlist:: alpha: "a" - "z" | "A" - "Z" suffix: (`alpha` | "'"* ("0" - "9" | "_")*)* "'"* lident_nq: ("a" - "z") `suffix`* | "_" `suffix`+ uident_nq: ("A" - "Z") `suffix`* ident_nq: `lident_nq` | `uident_nq` qident: "'" ("a" - "z") `suffix`* Identifiers that contain a prime followed by a letter, such as ``int32'max``, are reserved for symbols introduced by Why3 and cannot be used for user-defined symbols. .. productionlist:: lident: `lident_nq` ("'" `alpha` `suffix`)* uident: `lident_nq` ("'" `alpha` `suffix`)* ident: `lident` | `uident` In order to refer to symbols introduced in different namespaces (*scopes*), we can put a dot-separated “qualifier prefix” in front of an identifier (e.g., ``Map.S.get``). This allows us to use the symbol ``get`` from the scope ``Map.S`` without importing it in the current namespace: .. productionlist:: qualifier: (`uident` ".")+ lqualid: `qualifier`? `lident` uqualid: `qualifier`? `uident` All parenthesised expressions in WhyML (types, patterns, logical terms, program expressions) admit a qualifier before the opening parenthesis, e.g., ``Map.S.(get m i)``. This imports the indicated scope into the current namespace during the parsing of the expression under the qualifier. For the sake of convenience, the parentheses can be omitted when the expression itself is enclosed in parentheses, square brackets or curly braces. Prefix and infix operators are built from characters organized in four precedence groups (:token:`op_char_1` to :token:`op_char_4`), with optional primes at the end: .. productionlist:: op_char_1: "=" | "<" | ">" | "~" op_char_2: "+" | "-" op_char_3: "*" | "/" | "\" | "%" op_char_4: "!" | "$" | "&" | "?" | "@" | "^" | "." | ":" | "|" | "#" op_char_1234: `op_char_1` | `op_char_2` | `op_char_3` | `op_char_4` op_char_234: `op_char_2` | `op_char_3` | `op_char_4` op_char_34: `op_char_3` | `op_char_4` infix_op_1: `op_char_1234`* `op_char_1` `op_char_1234`* "'"* infix_op_2: `op_char_234`* `op_char_2` `op_char_234`* "'"* infix_op_3: `op_char_34`* `op_char_3` `op_char_34`* "'"* infix_op_4: `op_char_4`+ "'"* prefix_op: `op_char_1234`+ "'"* tight_op: ("!" | "?") `op_char_4`* "'"* Infix operators from a high-numbered group bind stronger than the infix operators from a low-numbered group. For example, infix operator ``.*.`` from group 3 would have a higher precedence than infix operator ``->-`` from group 1. Prefix operators always bind stronger than infix operators. The so-called “tight operators” are prefix operators that have even higher precedence than the juxtaposition (application) operator, allowing us to write expressions like ``inv !x`` without parentheses. Finally, any identifier, term, formula, or expression in a WhyML source can be tagged either with a string :token:`attribute` or a location: .. productionlist:: attribute: "[@" ... "]" : | "[#" `string` `digit`+ `digit`+ `digit`+ "]" An attribute cannot contain newlines or closing square brackets; leading and trailing spaces are ignored. A location consists of a file name in double quotes, a line number, and starting and ending character positions. Type Expressions ---------------- WhyML features an ML-style type system with polymorphic types, variants (sum types), and records that can have mutable fields. The syntax for type expressions is the following: .. productionlist:: type: `lqualid` `type_arg`+ ; polymorphic type symbol : | `type` "->" `type` ; mapping type (right-associative) : | `type_arg` type_arg: `lqualid` ; monomorphic type symbol (sort) : | `qident` ; type variable : | "()" ; unit type : | "(" `type` ("," `type`)+ ")" ; tuple type : | "{" `type` "}" ; snapshot type : | `qualifier`? "(" `type` ")" ; type in a scope .. index:: mapping type Built-in types are ``int`` (arbitrary precision integers), ``real`` (real numbers), ``bool``, the arrow type (also called the *mapping type*), and the tuple types. The empty tuple type is also called the *unit type* and can be written as ``unit``. Note that the syntax for type expressions notably differs from the usual ML syntax. In particular, the type of polymorphic lists is written ``list 'a``, and not ``'a list``. .. index:: snapshot type *Snapshot types* are specific to WhyML, they denote the types of ghost values produced by pure logical functions in WhyML programs. A snapshot of an immutable type is the type itself; thus, ``{int}`` is the same as ``int`` and ``{list 'a}`` is the same as ``list 'a``. A snapshot of a mutable type, however, represents a snapshot value which cannot be modified anymore. Thus, a snapshot array ``a`` of type ``{array int}`` can be read from (``a[42]`` is accepted) but not written into (``a[42] <- 0`` is rejected). Generally speaking, a program function that expects an argument of a mutable type will accept an argument of the corresponding snapshot type as long as it is not modified by the function. Logical Expressions ------------------- A significant part of a typical WhyML source file is occupied by non-executable logical content intended for specification and proof: function contracts, assertions, definitions of logical functions and predicates, axioms, lemmas, etc. Terms and formulas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Logical expressions are called *terms*. Boolean terms are called *formulas*. Internally, Why3 distinguishes the proper formulas (produced by predicate symbols, propositional connectives and quantifiers) and the terms of type ``bool`` (produced by Boolean variables and logical functions that return ``bool``). However, this distinction is not enforced on the syntactical level, and Why3 will perform the necessary conversions behind the scenes. The syntax of WhyML terms is given in :token:`term`. .. productionlist:: term0: `integer` ; integer constant : | `real` ; real constant : | "true" | "false" ; Boolean constant : | "()" ; empty tuple : | `string` ; string constant : | `qualid` ; qualified identifier : | `qualifier`? "(" `term` ")" ; term in a scope : | `qualifier`? "begin" `term` "end" ; idem : | `tight_op` `term` ; tight operator : | "{" `term_field`+ "}" ; record : | "{" `term` "with" `term_field`+ "}" ; record update : | `term` "." `lqualid` ; record field access : | `term` "[" `term` "]" "'"* ; collection access : | `term` "[" `term` "<-" `term` "]" "'"* ; collection update : | `term` "[" `term` ".." `term` "]" "'"* ; collection slice : | `term` "[" `term` ".." "]" "'"* ; right-open slice : | `term` "[" ".." `term` "]" "'"* ; left-open slice : | "[|" (`term` "=>" `term` ";")* ("_" "=>" `term`)? "|]" ; function literal : | "[|" (`term` ";")+ "|]" ; function literal (domain over nat) : | `term` `term`+ ; application : | `prefix_op` `term` ; prefix operator : | `term` `infix_op_4` `term` ; infix operator 4 : | `term` `infix_op_3` `term` ; infix operator 3 : | `term` `infix_op_2` `term` ; infix operator 2 : | `term` "at" `uident` ; past value : | "old" `term` ; initial value : | `term` `infix_op_1` `term` ; infix operator 1 : | "not" `term` ; negation : | `term` "/\" `term` ; conjunction : | `term` "&&" `term` ; asymmetric conjunction : | `term` "\/" `term` ; disjunction : | `term` "||" `term` ; asymmetric disjunction : | `term` "by" `term` ; proof indication : | `term` "so" `term` ; consequence indication : | `term` "->" `term` ; implication : | `term` "<->" `term` ; equivalence : | `term` ":" `type` ; type cast : | `attribute`+ `term` ; attributes : | `term` ("," `term`)+ ; tuple : | `quantifier` `quant_vars` `triggers`? "." `term` ; quantifier : | ... ; (to be continued in `term`) formula: `term` ; no distinction as far as syntax is concerned term_field: `lqualid` "=" `term` ";" ; field = value qualid: `qualifier`? (`lident_ext` | `uident`) ; qualified identifier lident_ext: `lident` ; lowercase identifier : | "(" `ident_op` ")" ; operator identifier : | "(" `ident_op` ")" ("_" | "'") alpha suffix* ; associated identifier ident_op: `infix_op_1` ; infix operator 1 : | `infix_op_2` ; infix operator 2 : | `infix_op_3` ; infix operator 3 : | `infix_op_4` ; infix operator 4 : | `prefix_op` "_" ; prefix operator : | `tight_op` "_"? ; tight operator : | "[" "]" "'" * ; collection access : | "[" "<-" "]" "'"* ; collection update : | "[" "]" "'"* "<-" ; in-place update : | "[" ".." "]" "'"* ; collection slice : | "[" "_" ".." "]" "'"* ; right-open slice : | "[" ".." "_" "]" "'"* ; left-open slice quantifier: "forall" | "exists" quant_vars: `quant_cast` ("," `quant_cast`)* quant_cast: `binder`+ (":" `type`)? binder: "_" | `bound_var` bound_var: `lident` `attribute`* triggers: "[" `trigger` ("|" `trigger`)* "]" trigger: `term` ("," `term`)* The various constructs have the following priorities and associativities, from lowest to greatest priority: +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | construct | associativity | +====================================+=================+ | ``if then else`` / ``let in`` | – | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | attribute | – | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | cast | – | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | ``->`` / ``<->`` / ``by`` / ``so`` | right | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | ``\/`` / ``||`` | right | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | ``/\`` / ``&&`` | right | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | ``not`` | – | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | infix-op level 1 | right | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | ``at`` / ``old`` | – | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | infix-op level 2 | left | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | infix-op level 3 | left | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | infix-op level 4 | left | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | prefix-op | – | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | function application | left | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | brackets / ternary brackets | – | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ | bang-op | – | +------------------------------------+-----------------+ For example, as was mentioned above, tight operators have the highest precedence of all operators, so that ``-p.x`` denotes the negation of the record field ``p.x``, whereas ``!p.x`` denotes the field ``x`` of a record stored in the reference ``p``. Infix operators from groups 2-4 are left-associative. Infix operators from group 1 are right-associative and can be chained. For example, the term ``0 <= i < j < length a`` is parsed as the conjunction of three inequalities ``0 <= i``, ``i < j``, and ``j < length a``. Note that infix symbols of level 1 include equality (``=``) and disequality (``<>``). An operator in parentheses acts as an identifier referring to that operator, for example, in a definition. To distinguish between prefix and infix operators, an underscore symbol is appended at the end: for example, ``(-)`` refers to the binary subtraction and ``(-_)`` to the unary negation. Tight operators cannot be used as infix operators, and thus do not require disambiguation. As with normal identifiers, we can put a qualifier over a parenthesised operator, e.g., ``Map.S.([]) m i``. Also, as noted above, a qualifier can be put over a parenthesised term, and the parentheses can be omitted if the term is a record or a record update. Note the curryfied syntax for function application, though partial application is not allowed (rejected at typing). .. _rubric.collections_syntax: .. index:: bracket .. index:: collections .. index:: function literals Specific syntax for collections ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In addition to prefix and infix operators, WhyML supports several mixfix bracket operators to manipulate various collection types: dictionaries, arrays, sequences, etc. Bracket operators do not have any predefined meaning and may be used to denote access and update operations for various user-defined collection types. We can introduce multiple bracket operations in the same scope by disambiguating them with primes after the closing bracket: for example, ``a[i]`` may denote array access and ``s[i]'`` sequence access. Notice that the in-place update operator ``a[i] <- v`` cannot be used inside logical terms: all effectful operations are restricted to program expressions. To represent the result of a collection update, we should use a pure logical update operator ``a[i <- v]`` instead. WhyML supports “associated” names for operators, obtained by adding a suffix after the parenthesised operator name. For example, an axiom that represents the specification of the infix operator ``(+)`` may be called ``(+)'spec`` or ``(+)_spec``. As with normal identifiers, names with a letter after a prime, such as ``(+)'spec``, can only be introduced by Why3, and not by the user in a WhyML source. WhyML provides a special syntax for `function literals`. The term ``[|t1 => u1; ...; tn => un; _ => default|]``, where ``t1, ..., tn`` have some type ``t`` and ``u1, ..., un, default`` some type ``u``, represents a total function of the form ``fun x -> if x = t1 then u1 else if ... else if x = tn then un else default``. The default value can be omitted in which case the last value will be taken as the default value. For instance, the function literal ``[|t1 => u1|]`` represents the term ``fun x -> if x = t1 then u1 else u1``. When the domain of the function ranges over an initial sequence of the natural numbers it is possible to write ``[|t1;t2;t3|]`` as a shortcut for ``[|0 => t1; 1 => t2; 2 => t3|]``. Function literals cannot be empty. .. index:: pair: keyword; at .. index:: pair: keyword; old .. index:: pair: keyword; label The "at" and "old" operators ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``at`` and ``old`` operators are used inside postconditions and assertions to refer to the value of a mutable program variable at some past moment of execution. These operators have higher precedence than the infix operators from group 1 (:token:`infix_op_1`): ``old i > j`` is parsed as ``(old i) > j`` and not as ``old (i > j)``. Within a postcondition, ``old t`` refers to the value of term ``t`` in the pre-state. Within the scope of a code label ``L``, introduced with ``label L in ...``, the term ``t at L`` refers to the value of term ``t`` at the program point corresponding to ``L``. Note that ``old`` can be used in annotations contained in the function body as well (assertions, loop invariants), with the exact same meaning: it refers to the pre-state of the function. In particular, ``old t`` in a loop invariant does not refer to the program point right before the loop but to the function entry. Whenever ``old t`` or ``t at L`` refers to a program point at which none of the variables in ``t`` is defined, Why3 emits a warning "this \`at'/\`old' operator is never used" and the operator is ignored. For instance, the following code .. code-block:: whyml let x = ref 0 in assert { old !x = !x } emits a warning and is provable, as it amounts to proving `0=0`. Similarly, if ``old t`` or ``t at L`` refers to a term ``t`` that is immutable, Why3 emits the same warning and ignores the operator. Caveat: Whenever the term ``t`` contains several variables, some of them being meaningful at the corresponding program point but others not being in scope or being immutable, there is *no warning* and the operator ``old``/``at`` is applied where it is defined and ignored elsewhere. This is convenient when writing terms such as ``old a[i]`` where ``a`` makes sense in the pre-state but ``i`` does not. .. index:: &&, || .. index:: pair: keyword; by .. index:: pair: keyword; so Non-standard connectives ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The propositional connectives in WhyML formulas are listed in :token:`term`. The non-standard connectives — asymmetric conjunction (``&&``), asymmetric disjunction (``||``), proof indication (``by``), and consequence indication (``so``) — are used to control the goal-splitting transformations of Why3 and provide integrated proofs for WhyML assertions, postconditions, lemmas, etc. The semantics of these connectives follows the rules below: - A proof task for ``A && B`` is split into separate tasks for ``A`` and ``A -> B``. If ``A && B`` occurs as a premise, it behaves as a normal conjunction. - A case analysis over ``A || B`` is split into disjoint cases ``A`` and ``not A /\ B``. If ``A || B`` occurs as a goal, it behaves as a normal disjunction. - An occurrence of ``A by B`` generates a side condition ``B -> A`` (the proof justifies the affirmation). When ``A by B`` occurs as a premise, it is reduced to ``A`` (the proof is discarded). When ``A by B`` occurs as a goal, it is reduced to ``B`` (the proof is verified). - An occurrence of ``A so B`` generates a side condition ``A -> B`` (the premise justifies the conclusion). When ``A so B`` occurs as a premise, it is reduced to the conjunction (we use both the premise and the conclusion). When ``A so B`` occurs as a goal, it is reduced to ``A`` (the premise is verified). For example, full splitting of the goal ``(A by (exists x. B so C)) && D`` produces four subgoals: ``exists x. B`` (the premise is verified), ``forall x. B -> C`` (the premise justifies the conclusion), ``(exists x. B /\ C) -> A`` (the proof justifies the affirmation), and finally, ``A -> D`` (the proof of ``A`` is discarded and ``A`` is used to prove ``D``). The behavior of the splitting transformations is further controlled by attributes :why3:attribute:`[@stop_split]` and :why3:attribute:`[@case_split]`. Consult the documentation of transformation :why3:transform:`split_goal` in :numref:`sec.transformations` for details. Among the propositional connectives, ``not`` has the highest precedence, ``&&`` has the same precedence as ``/\`` (weaker than negation), ``||`` has the same precedence as ``\/`` (weaker than conjunction), ``by``, ``so``, ``->``, and ``<->`` all have the same precedence (weaker than disjunction). All binary connectives except equivalence are right-associative. Equivalence is non-associative and is chained instead: ``A <-> B <-> C`` is transformed into a conjunction of ``A <-> B`` and ``B <-> C``. To reduce ambiguity, WhyML forbids to place a non-parenthesised implication at the right-hand side of an equivalence: ``A <-> B -> C`` is rejected. .. index:: conditional .. index:: pair: keyword; if .. index:: pair: keyword; then .. index:: pair: keyword; else .. index:: pair: keyword; let .. index:: pattern-matching Conditionals, "let" bindings and pattern-matching ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. productionlist:: term: `term0` : | "if" `term` "then" `term` "else" `term` ; conditional : | "match" `term` "with" `term_case`+ "end" ; pattern matching : | "let" `pattern` "=" `term` "in" `term` ; let-binding : | "let" `symbol` `param`+ "=" `term` "in" `term` ; mapping definition : | "fun" `param`+ "->" `term` ; unnamed mapping term_case: "|" `pattern` "->" `term` pattern: `binder` ; variable or "_" : | "()" ; empty tuple : | "{" (`lqualid` "=" `pattern` ";")+ "}" ; record pattern : | `uqualid` `pattern`* ; constructor : | "ghost" `pattern` ; ghost sub-pattern : | `pattern` "as" "ghost"? `bound_var` ; named sub-pattern : | `pattern` "," `pattern` ; tuple pattern : | `pattern` "|" `pattern` ; "or" pattern : | `qualifier`? "(" `pattern` ")" ; pattern in a scope symbol: `lident_ext` `attribute`* ; user-defined symbol param: `type_arg` ; unnamed typed : | `binder` ; (un)named untyped : | "(" "ghost"? `type` ")" ; unnamed typed : | "(" "ghost"? `binder` ")" ; (un)named untyped : | "(" "ghost"? `binder`+ ":" `type` ")" ; multi-variable typed Above, we find the more advanced term constructions: conditionals, let-bindings, pattern matching, and local function definitions, either via the ``let-in`` construction or the ``fun`` keyword. The pure logical functions defined in this way are called *mappings*; they are first-class values of “arrow” type ``t -> u``. The patterns are similar to those of OCaml, though the ``when`` clauses and numerical constants are not supported. Unlike in OCaml, ``as`` binds stronger than the comma: in the pattern ``(p,q as x)``, variable ``x`` is bound to the value matched by pattern ``q``. Also notice the closing ``end`` after the ``match with`` term. A ``let in`` construction with a non-trivial pattern is translated as a ``match with`` term with a single branch. Inside logical terms, pattern matching must be exhaustive: WhyML rejects a term like ``let Some x = o in e``, where ``o`` is a variable of an option type. In program expressions, non-exhaustive pattern matching is accepted and a proof obligation is generated to show that the values not covered cannot occur in execution. The syntax of parameters in user-defined operations—first-class mappings, top-level logical functions and predicates, and program functions—is rather flexible in WhyML. Like in OCaml, the user can specify the name of a parameter without its type and let the type be inferred from the definition. Unlike in OCaml, the user can also specify the type of the parameter without giving its name. This is convenient when the symbol declaration does not provide the actual definition or specification of the symbol, and thus only the type signature is of relevance. For example, one can declare an abstract binary function that adds an element to a set simply by writing ``function add 'a (set 'a): set 'a``. A standalone non-qualified lowercase identifier without attributes is treated as a type name when the definition is not provided, and as a parameter name otherwise. Ghost patterns, ghost variables after ``as``, and ghost parameters in function definitions are only used in program code, and not allowed in logical terms. Program Expressions ------------------- The syntax of program expressions is given below. As before, the constructions are listed in the order of decreasing precedence. The rules for tight, prefix, infix, and bracket operators are the same as for logical terms. In particular, the infix operators from group 1 (:token:`infix_op_1`) can be chained. Notice that binary operators ``&&`` and ``||`` denote here the usual lazy conjunction and disjunction, respectively. .. productionlist:: expr: `integer` ; integer constant : | `real` ; real constant : | "true" | "false" ; Boolean constant : | "()" ; empty tuple : | `string` ; string constant : | `qualid` ; identifier in a scope : | `qualifier`? "(" `expr` ")" ; expression in a scope : | `qualifier`? "begin" `expr` "end" ; idem : | `tight_op` `expr` ; tight operator : | "{" (`lqualid` "=" `expr` ";")+ "}" ; record : | "{" `expr` "with" (`lqualid` "=" `expr` ";")+ "}" ; record update : | `expr` "." `lqualid` ; record field access : | `expr` "[" `expr` "]" "'"* ; collection access : | `expr` "[" `expr` "<-" `expr` "]" "'"* ; collection update : | `expr` "[" `expr` ".." `expr` "]" "'"* ; collection slice : | `expr` "[" `expr` ".." "]" "'"* ; right-open slice : | `expr` "[" ".." `expr` "]" "'"* ; left-open slice : | "[|" (`expr` "=>" `expr` ";")* ("_" "=>" `expr`)? "|]" ; function literal : | "[|" (`expr` ";")+ "|]" ; function literal (domain over nat) : | `expr` `expr`+ ; application : | `prefix_op` `expr` ; prefix operator : | `expr` `infix_op_4` `expr` ; infix operator 4 : | `expr` `infix_op_3` `expr` ; infix operator 3 : | `expr` `infix_op_2` `expr` ; infix operator 2 : | `expr` `infix_op_1` `expr` ; infix operator 1 : | "not" `expr` ; negation : | `expr` "&&" `expr` ; lazy conjunction : | `expr` "||" `expr` ; lazy disjunction : | `expr` ":" `type` ; type cast : | `attribute`+ `expr` ; attributes : | "ghost" `expr` ; ghost expression : | `expr` ("," `expr`)+ ; tuple : | `expr` "<-" `expr` ; assignment : | `expr` `spec`+ ; added specification : | "if" `expr` "then" `expr` ("else" `expr`)? ; conditional : | "match" `expr` "with" ("|" `pattern` "->" `expr`)+ "end" ; pattern matching : | `qualifier`? "begin" `spec`+ `expr` "end" ; abstract block : | `expr` ";" `expr` ; sequence : | "let" `pattern` "=" `expr` "in" `expr` ; let-binding : | "let" `fun_defn` "in" `expr` ; local function : | "let" "rec" `fun_defn` ("with" `fun_defn`)* "in" `expr` ; recursive function : | "fun" `param`+ `spec`* "->" `spec`* `expr` ; unnamed function : | "any" `result` `spec`* ; arbitrary value : | "while" `expr` "do" `invariant`* `variant`? `expr` "done" ; while loop : | "for" `lident` "=" `expr` ("to" | "downto") `expr` "do" `invariant`* `expr` "done" ; for loop : | "for" `pattern` "in" `expr` "with" `uident` ("as" `lident_nq`)? "do" `invariant`* `variant`? `expr` "done" ; for each loop : | "break" `lident`? ; loop break : | "continue" `lident`? ; loop continue : | ("assert" | "assume" | "check") "{" `term` "}" ; assertion : | "raise" `uqualid` `expr`? ; exception raising : | "raise" "(" `uqualid` `expr`? ")" : | "try" `expr` "with" ("|" `handler`)+ "end" ; exception catching : | "(" `expr` ")" ; parentheses : | "label" `uident` "in" `expr` ; label handler: `uqualid` `pattern`? "->" `expr` ; exception handler fun_defn: `fun_head` `spec`* "=" `spec`* `expr` ; function definition fun_head: "ghost"? `kind`? `symbol` `param`+ (":" `result`)? ; function header kind: "function" | "predicate" | "lemma" ; function kind result: `ret_type` : | "(" `ret_type` ("," `ret_type`)* ")" : | "(" `ret_name` ("," `ret_name`)* ")" ret_type: "ghost"? `type` ; unnamed result ret_name: "ghost"? `binder` ":" `type` ; named result spec: "requires" ident? "{" `term` "}" ; pre-condition : | "ensures" ident? "{" `term` "}" ; post-condition : | "returns" "{" ("|" `pattern` "->" `term`)+ "}" ; post-condition : | "raises" "{" ("|" `pattern` "->" `term`)+ "}" ; exceptional post-c. : | "raises" "{" `uqualid` ("," `uqualid`)* "}" ; raised exceptions : | "reads" "{" `lqualid` ("," `lqualid`)* "}" ; external reads : | "writes" "{" `path` ("," `path`)* "}" ; memory writes : | "alias" "{" `alias` ("," `alias`)* "}" ; memory aliases : | `variant` : | "diverges" ; may not terminate : | ("reads" | "writes" | "alias") "{" "}" ; empty effect path: `lqualid` ("." `lqualid`)* ; v.field1.field2 alias: `path` "with" `path` ; arg1 with result invariant: "invariant" ident? "{" `term` "}" ; loop and type invariant variant: "variant" ident? "{" `variant_term` ("," `variant_term`)* "}" ; termination variant variant_term: `term` ("with" `lqualid`)? ; variant term + WF-order .. index:: pair: keyword; ghost Ghost expressions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Keyword ``ghost`` marks the expression as ghost code added for verification purposes. Ghost code is removed from the final code intended for execution, and thus cannot affect the computation of the program results nor the content of the observable memory. .. index:: assignment expressions Assignment expressions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Assignment updates in place a mutable record field or an element of a collection. The former can be done simultaneously on a tuple of values: ``x.f, y.g <- a, b``. The latter form, ``a[i] <- v``, amounts to a call of the ternary bracket operator ``([]<-)`` and cannot be used in a multiple assignment. .. index:: auto-dereference .. index:: reference .. index:: pair: keyword; ref .. index:: & Auto-dereference: simplified usage of mutable variables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some syntactic sugar is provided to ease the use of mutable variables (aka references), in such a way that the bang character is no more needed to access the value of a reference, in both logic and programs. This syntactic sugar summarized in the following table. +-------------------------+-------------------------------+ | auto-dereference syntax | desugared to | +=========================+===============================+ | ``let &x = ... in`` | ``let (x: ref ...) = ... in`` | +-------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ``f x`` | ``f x.contents`` | +-------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ``x <- ...`` | ``x.contents <- ...`` | +-------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ``let ref x = ...`` | ``let &x = ref ...`` | +-------------------------+-------------------------------+ Notice that - the ``&`` marker adds the typing constraint ``(x: ref ...)``; - top-level ``let/val ref`` and ``let/val &`` are allowed; - auto-dereferencing works in logic, but such variables cannot be introduced inside logical terms. Here is an example: .. code-block:: whyml let ref x = 0 in while x < 100 do invariant { 0 <= x <= 100 } x <- x + 1 done That syntactic sugar is further extended to pattern matching, function parameters, and reference passing, as follows. +----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | auto-dereference syntax | desugared to | +==================================+=====================================================+ | ``match e with (x,&y) -> y end`` | ``match e with (x,(y: ref ...)) -> y.contents end`` | +----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | .. code-block:: whyml | .. code-block:: whyml | | | | | let incr (&x: ref int) = | let incr (x: ref int) = | | x <- x + 1 | x.contents <- x.contents + 1 | | | | | let f () = | let f () = | | let ref x = 0 in | let x = ref 0 in | | incr x; | incr x; | | x | x.contents | +----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ``let incr (ref x: int) ...`` | ``let incr (&x: ref int) ...`` | +----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ The type annotation is not required. Let-functions with such formal parameters also prevent the actual argument from auto-dereferencing when used in logic. Pure logical symbols cannot be declared with such parameters. Auto-dereference suppression does not work in the middle of a relation chain: in ``0 < x :< 17``, ``x`` will be dereferenced even if ``(:<)`` expects a ref-parameter on the left. Finally, that syntactic sugar applies to the caller side: +-------------------------+-----------------------+ | auto-dereference syntax | desugared to | +=========================+=======================+ | .. code-block:: whyml | .. code-block:: whyml | | | | | let f () = | let f () = | | let ref x = 0 in | let x = ref 0 in | | g &x | g x | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ The ``&`` marker can only be attached to a variable. Works in logic. Ref-binders and ``&``-binders in variable declarations, patterns, and function parameters do not require importing ``ref.Ref``. Any example that does not use references inside data structures can be rewritten by using ref-binders, without importing ``ref.Ref``. Explicit use of type symbol ``ref``, program function ``ref``, or field ``contents`` requires importing ``ref.Ref`` or ``why3.Ref.Ref``. Operations ``(:=)`` and ``(!)`` require importing ``ref.Ref``. Note that operation ``(:=)`` is fully subsumed by direct assignment ``(<-)``. .. index:: evaluation order Evaluation order ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In applications, arguments are evaluated from right to left. This includes applications of infix operators, with the only exception of lazy operators ``&&`` and ``||`` which evaluate from left to right, lazily. .. index:: pair: keyword; for .. index:: pair: keyword; downto .. index:: pair: keyword; invariant .. index:: invariant; for loop The “for” loop ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The “for” loop of Why3 has the following general form: .. code-block:: whyml for v=e1 to e2 do invariant { i } e3 done Here, ``v`` is a variable identifier, that is bound by the loop statement and of type ``int`` ; ``e1`` and ``e2`` are program expressions of type ``int``, and ``e3`` is an expression of type ``unit``. The variable ``v`` may occur both in ``i`` and ``e3``, and is not mutable. The execution of such a loop amounts to first evaluate ``e1`` and ``e2`` to values ``n1`` and ``n2``. If ``n1 >= n2`` then the loop is not executed at all, otherwise it is executed iteratively for ``v`` taking all the values between ``n1`` and ``n2`` included. Regarding verification conditions, one must prove that ``i[v <- n1]`` holds (invariant initialization) ; and that ``forall n. n1 <= n <= n2 /\ i[v <- n] -> i[v <- n+1]`` (invariant preservation). At loop exit, the property which is known is ``i[v <- n2+1]`` (notice the index ``n2+1``). A special case occurs when the initial value ``n1`` is larger than ``n2+1``: in that case the VC generator does not produce any VC to prove, the loop just acts as a no-op instruction. Yet in the case when ``n1 = n2+1``, the formula ``i[v <- n2+1]`` is asserted and thus need to be proved as a VC. The variant with keyword ``downto`` instead of ``to`` iterates backwards. It is also possible for ``v`` to be an integer range type (see :numref:`sec.range_types`) instead of an integer. .. index:: pair: keyword; for .. index:: pair: keyword; variant .. index:: pair: keyword; invariant .. index:: for each loop, invariant; for each loop The “for each” loop ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The “for each” loop of Why3 has the following syntax: .. code-block:: whyml for p in e1 with S do invariant/variant... e2 done Here, ``p`` is a pattern, ``S`` is a namespace, and ``e1`` and ``e2`` are program expressions. Such a for each loop is syntactic sugar for the following: .. code-block:: whyml let it = S.create e1 in try while true do invariant/variant... let p = it in e2 done with S.Done -> () That is, namespace ``S`` is assumed to declare at least a function ``create`` and a function ``next``, and an exception ``Done``. The latter is used to signal the end of the iteration. As shown above, the iterator is named ``it``. It can be referred to within annotations. A different name can be specified, using syntax ``with S as x do``. .. index:: pair: keyword; while .. index:: pair: keyword; break .. index:: pair: keyword; continue Break & Continue ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``break`` and ``continue`` statements can be used in ``while``, ``for`` and ``for-each`` loops, with the expected semantics. The statements take an optional identifier which can be used to break out of nested loops. This identifier can be defined using ``label`` like in the following example: .. code-block:: whyml label A in while true do variant... while true do variant... break A (* abort the outer loop *) done done .. index:: collections .. index:: function literals .. _sec.functionliterals: Function literals ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Function literals can be written in expressions the same way as they are in terms but there are a few subtleties that one must bear in mind. First of all, if the domain of the literal is of type ``t`` then an equality infix operator ``=`` should exist. For instance, the literal ``[|t1 => u1|]`` with ``t1`` of type ``t``, is only considered well typed if the infix operator ``=`` of type ``t -> t -> bool`` is visible in the current scope. This problem does not exist in terms because the equality in terms is polymorphic. Second, the function literal expression ``[|t1 => u1; t2 => u2; _ => u3|]`` will be translated into the following expression: .. code-block:: whyml let def'e = u3 in let d'i1 = t2 in let r'i1 = u2 in let d'i0 = t1 in let r'i0 = u1 in fun x'x -> if x'x = d'i0 then r'i0 else if x'x = d'i1 then r'i1 else def'e .. index:: pair: keyword; any The ``any`` expression ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The general form of the ``any`` expression is the following. .. code-block:: whyml any This expression non-deterministically evaluates to a value of the given type that satisfies the contract. For example, the code .. code-block:: whyml let x = any int ensures { 0 <= result < 100 } in ... will give to ``x`` any non-negative integer value smaller than 100. As for contracts on functions, it is allowed to name the result or even give a pattern for it. For example the following expression returns a pair of integers which first component is smaller than the second. .. code-block:: whyml any (int,int) returns { (a,b) -> a <= b } Notice that an ``any`` expression is not supposed to have side effects nor raise exceptions, hence its contract cannot include any ``writes`` or ``raises`` clauses. To ensure that this construction is safe, it is mandatory to show that there is always at least one possible value to return. It means that the VC generator produces a proof obligation of form .. code-block:: whyml exists result:. In that respect, notice the difference with the construct .. code-block:: whyml val x: in x which will not generate any proof obligation, meaning that the existence of the value ``x`` is taken for granted. Modules ------- A WhyML input file is a (possibly empty) list of modules .. productionlist:: file: `module`* module: "module" `uident_nq` `attribute`* (":" tqualid)? `decl`* "end" decl: "type" `type_decl` ("with" `type_decl`)* : | "constant" `constant_decl` : | "function" `function_decl` ("with" `logic_decl`)* : | "predicate" `predicate_decl` ("with" `logic_decl`)* : | "inductive" `inductive_decl` ("with" `inductive_decl`)* : | "coinductive" `inductive_decl` ("with" `inductive_decl`)* : | "axiom" `ident_nq` ":" `formula` : | "lemma" `ident_nq` ":" `formula` : | "goal" `ident_nq` ":" `formula` : | "use" `imp_exp` `tqualid` ("as" `uident`)? : | "clone" `imp_exp` `tqualid` ("as" `uident`)? `subst`? : | "scope" "import"? `uident_nq` `decl`* "end" : | "import" `uident` : | "let" "ghost"? `lident_nq` `attribute`* `fun_defn` : | "let" "rec" `fun_defn` : | "val" "ghost"? `lident_nq` `attribute`* `pgm_decl` : | "exception" `lident_nq` `attribute`* `type`? type_decl: `lident_nq` `attribute`* ("'" `lident_nq` `attribute`*)* `type_defn` type_defn: ; abstract type : | "=" `type` ; alias type : | "=" "|"? `type_case` ("|" `type_case`)* ; algebraic type : | "=" `vis_mut` "{" `record_field` (";" `record_field`)* "}" `invariant`* `type_witness` ; record type : | "<" "range" `integer` `integer` ">" ; range type : | "<" "float" `integer` `integer` ">" ; float type type_case: `uident` `attribute`* `type_param`* record_field: "ghost"? "mutable"? `lident_nq` `attribute`* ":" `type` type_witness: "by" `expr` vis_mut: ("abstract" | "private")? "mutable"? pgm_decl: ":" `type` ; global variable : | `param` (`spec`* `param`)+ ":" `type` `spec`* ; abstract function logic_decl: `function_decl` : | `predicate_decl` constant_decl: `lident_nq` `attribute`* ":" `type` : | `lident_nq` `attribute`* ":" `type` "=" `term` function_decl: `lident_nq` `attribute`* `type_param`* ":" `type` : | `lident_nq` `attribute`* `type_param`* ":" `type` "=" `term` predicate_decl: `lident_nq` `attribute`* `type_param`* : | `lident_nq` `attribute`* `type_param`* "=" `formula` inductive_decl: `lident_nq` `attribute`* `type_param`* "=" "|"? `ind_case` ("|" `ind_case`)* ind_case: `ident_nq` `attribute`* ":" `formula` imp_exp: ("import" | "export")? subst: "with" ("," `subst_elt`)+ subst_elt: "type" `lqualid` "=" `lqualid` : | "function" `lqualid` "=" `lqualid` : | "predicate" `lqualid` "=" `lqualid` : | "scope" (`uqualid` | ".") "=" (`uqualid` | ".") : | "lemma" `qualid` : | "goal" `qualid` tqualid: `uident` | `ident` ("." `ident`)* "." `uident` type_param: "'" `lident` : | `lqualid` : | "(" `lident`+ ":" `type` ")" : | "(" `type` ("," `type`)* ")" : | "()" .. index:: record type .. _Record Types: Record types ^^^^^^^^^^^^ A record type declaration introduces a new type, with named and typed fields, as follows: .. code-block:: whyml type t = { a: int; b: bool } Such a type can be used both in logic and programs. A new record is built using curly braces and a value for each field, such as ``{ a = 42; b = true }``. If ``x`` is a value of type ``t``, its fields are accessed using the dot notation, such as ``x.a``. Each field happens to be a projection function, so that we can also write ``a x``. A field can be declared ``mutable``, as follows: .. code-block:: whyml type t = { mutable a: int; b: bool } A mutable field can be modified using notation ``x.a <- 42``. The ``writes`` clause of a function contract can list mutable fields, e.g., ``writes { x.a }``. .. index:: pair: keyword; invariant .. index:: type invariant, invariant; type .. rubric:: Type invariants Invariants can be attached to record types, as follows: .. code-block:: whyml type t = { mutable a: int; b: bool } invariant { b = true -> a >= 0 } The semantics of type invariants is as follows. In the logic, a type invariant always holds. Consequently, it is no more possible to build a value using the curly braces (in the logic). To prevent the introduction of a logical inconsistency, Why3 generates a VC to show the existence of at least one record instance satisfying the invariant. It is named ``t'vc`` and has the form ``exists a:int, b:bool. b = true -> a >= 0``. To ease the verification of this VC, one can provide an explicit witness using the keyword ``by``, as follows: .. code-block:: whyml type t = { mutable a: int; b: bool } invariant { b = true -> a >= 0 } by { a = 42; b = true } It generates a simpler VC, where fields are instantiated accordingly. For more complicated case, the witness can be more general than just a record, but the record can be used only as the resulting expression. Indeed the record does not exists yet, so the witness is in fact a tuple with the fields in the same order than in the definition. The record is just syntaxic sugar. In programs, a type invariant is assumed to hold at function entry and must be restored at function exit. In the middle, the invariant can be temporarily broken. For instance, the following function can be verified: .. code-block:: whyml let f (x: t) = x.a <- x.a - 1; x.a <- 0 After the first assignment, the invariant does not necessarily hold anymore. But it is restored before function exit with the second assignment. If the record is passed to another function, then the invariant must be reestablished (so as to honor the contract of the callee). For instance, the following function cannot be verified: .. code-block:: whyml let f1 (x: t) = x.a <- x.a - 1; f x; x.a <- 0 Indeed, passing ``x`` to function ``f`` requires checking the invariant first, which does not hold in this example. Similarly, the invariant must be reestablished if the record is passed to a logical function or predicate. For instance, the following function cannot be verified: .. code-block:: whyml predicate p (x: t) = x.b let f2 (x: t) = x.a <- x.a - 1; assert { p x }; x.a <- 0 Accessing the record fields, however, does not require restoring the invariant, both in logic and programs. For instance, the following function can be verified: .. code-block:: whyml let f2 (x: t) = x.a <- x.a - 1; assert { x.a < old x.a }; x.a <- 0 Indeed, the invariant may not hold after the first assignment, but the assertion is only making use of field access, so there is no need to reestablish the invariant. .. index:: private type .. rubric:: Private types A record type can be declared ``private``, as follows: .. code-block:: whyml type t = private { mutable a: int; b: bool } The meaning of such a declaration is that one cannot build a record instance, neither in the logic, nor in programs. For instance, the following function cannot be defined: .. code-block:: whyml let create () = { a = 42; b = true } One cannot modify mutable fields of private types either. One may wonder what is the purpose of private types, if one cannot build values in those types. The purpose is to build interfaces, to be later refined with actual implementations (see section :ref:`Module cloning` below). Indeed, if we cannot build record instances, we can still *declare* operations that return such records. For instance, we can declare the following two functions: .. code-block:: whyml val create (n: int) : t ensures { result.a = n } val incr (x: t) : unit writes { x.a } ensures { x.a = old x.a + 1 } Later, we can *refine* type ``t`` with a type that is not private anymore, and then implement operations ``create`` and ``incr``. Private types are often used in conjunction with ghost fields, that are used to model the contents of data structures. For instance, we can conveniently model a queue containing integers as follows: .. code-block:: whyml type queue = private { mutable ghost s: seq int } If needed, we could even add invariants (e.g., the sequence ``s`` is sorted in a priority queue). .. index:: abstract type When a private record type only has ghost fields, one can use ``abstract`` as a convenient shortcut: .. code-block:: whyml type queue = abstract { mutable s: seq int } This is equivalent to the previous declaration. .. rubric:: Recursive record types Record types can be recursive, e.g, .. code-block:: whyml type t = { a: int; next: option t } Recursive record types cannot have invariants, cannot have mutable fields, and cannot be private. .. rubric:: Record injectivity Records should be identified by their fields, which is a kind of injectivity property: provided ``a.f = b.f`` for all fields, then ``a = b``. Plain record types without invariant are encoded as algebraic data types with a unique constructor (see below), hence the injectivity property automatically holds. However, for records with invariant, there is no such constructor. Actually, record injectivity only holds for non-private types, since all fields in the record must be statically known. Hence, for any non-private record ``r`` with invariants, the following declarations are automatically generated: .. code-block:: whyml predicate r'eq (a b : r) = a.f = b.f /\ ... axiom r'inj: forall a b : r. r'eq a b -> a = b The recommended way to trigger the injectivity property in your proofs is to introduce an extra ``by r'eq a b`` on a formula, or an ``assert { r'eq a b }`` statement in a program. .. index:: algebraic data type Algebraic data types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Algebraic data types combine sum and product types. A simple example of a sum type is that of an option type: .. code-block:: whyml type maybe = No | Yes int Such a declaration introduces a new type ``maybe``, with two constructors ``No`` and ``Yes``. Constructor ``No`` has no argument and thus can be used as a constant value. Constructor ``Yes`` has an argument of type ``int`` and thus can be used to build values such as ``Yes 42``. Algebraic data types can be polymorphic, e.g., .. code-block:: whyml type option 'a = None | Some 'a (This type is already part of Why3 standard library, in module `option.Option `_.) A data type can be recursive. The archetypal example is the type of polymorphic lists: .. code-block:: whyml type list 'a = Nil | Cons 'a (list 'a) (This type is already part of Why3 standard library, in module `list.List `_.) Mutually recursive type definitions are supported. .. code-block:: whyml type tree = Node elt forest with forest = Empty | Cons tree forest When a field is common to all constructors, with the same type, it can be named: .. code-block:: whyml type t = | MayBe (size: int) (option int) | Many (size: int) (list int) Such a named field introduces a projection function. Here, we get a function ``size`` of type ``t -> int``. Constructor arguments can be ghost, e.g., .. code-block:: whyml type answer = | Yes (ghost int) | No Non-uniform data types are allowed, such as the following type for `random access lists `_: .. code-block:: whyml type ral 'a = | Empty | Zero (ral ('a, 'a)) | One 'a (ral ('a, 'a)) Why3 supports polymorphic recursion, both in logic and programs, so that we can define and verify operations on such types. .. index:: tuples .. rubric:: Tuples A tuple type is a particular case of algebraic data types, with a single constructor. A tuple type need not be declared by the user; it is generated on the fly. The syntax for a tuple type is ``(type1, type2, ...)``. Note: Record types, introduced in the previous section, also constitute a particular case of algebraic data types with a single constructor. There are differences, though. Record types may have mutable fields, invariants, or private status, while algebraic data types cannot. .. index:: range type .. index:: pair: keyword; range .. _sec.range_types: Range types ^^^^^^^^^^^ A declaration of the form ``type r = `` defines a type that projects into the integer range ``[a,b]``. Note that in order to make such a declaration the theory ``int.Int`` must be imported. Why3 let you cast an integer literal in a range type (e.g., ``(42:r)``) and will check at typing that the literal is in range. Defining such a range type :math:`r` automatically introduces the following: .. code-block:: whyml function r'int r : int constant r'maxInt : int constant r'minInt : int The function ``r'int`` projects a term of type ``r`` to its integer value. The two constants represent the high bound and low bound of the range respectively. Projection ``r'int`` is also defined to be injective, thanks to the following definitions automatically introduced by Why3: .. code-block:: whyml predicate r'eq (x y : r) = (r'int x = r'int y) axiom r'inj: forall x y : r. r'eq x y -> x = y Unless specified otherwise with the meta :why3:meta:`keep:literal` on ``r``, the transformation :why3:transform:`eliminate_literal` introduces an axiom .. code-block:: whyml axiom r'axiom : forall i:r. r'minInt <= r'int i <= r'maxInt and replaces all casts of the form ``(42:r)`` with a constant and an axiom as in: .. code-block:: whyml constant rliteral7 : r axiom rliteral7_axiom : r'int rliteral7 = 42 This type is used in the standard library in the theories ``bv.BV8``, ``bv.BV16``, ``bv.BV32``, ``bv.BV64``. .. index:: pair: keyword; float Floating-point types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A declaration of the form ``type f = `` defines a type of floating-point numbers as specified by the IEEE-754 standard :cite:`ieee754-2008`. Here the literal ``eb`` represents the number of bits in the exponent and the literal ``sb`` the number of bits in the significand (including the hidden bit). Note that in order to make such a declaration the theory ``real.Real`` must be imported. Why3 let you cast a real literal in a float type (e.g., ``(0.5:f)``) and will check at typing that the literal is representable in the format. Note that Why3 do not implicitly round a real literal when casting to a float type, it refuses the cast if the literal is not representable. Defining such a type ``f`` automatically introduces the following: .. code-block:: whyml predicate f'isFinite f function f'real f : real constant f'eb : int constant f'sb : int As specified by the IEEE standard, float formats includes infinite values and also a special NaN value (Not-a-Number) to represent results of undefined operations such as :math:`0/0`. The predicate ``f'isFinite`` indicates whether its argument is neither infinite nor NaN. The function ``f'real`` projects a finite term of type ``f`` to its real value, its result is not specified for non finite terms. Unless specified otherwise with the meta :why3:meta:`keep:literal` on ``f``, the transformation :why3:transform:`eliminate_literal` will introduce an axiom .. code-block:: whyml axiom f'axiom : forall x:f. f'isFinite x -> -. max_real <=. f'real x <=. max_real where ``max_real`` is the value of the biggest finite float in the specified format. The transformation also replaces all casts of the form ``(0.5:f)`` with a constant and an axiom as in: .. code-block:: whyml constant fliteral42 : f axiom fliteral42_axiom : f'real fliteral42 = 0.5 /\ f'isFinite fliteral42 This type is used in the standard library in the theories ``ieee_float.Float32`` and ``ieee_float.Float64``. Function declarations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``let`` Definition of a program function, with prototype, contract, and body ``val`` Declaration of a program function, with prototype and contract only ``let function`` Definition of a pure (that is, side-effect free) program function which can also be used in specifications as a logical function symbol ``let predicate`` Definition of a pure Boolean program function which can also be used in specifications as a logical predicate symbol ``val function`` Declaration of a pure program function which can also be used in specifications as a logical function symbol ``val predicate`` Declaration of a pure Boolean program function which can also be used in specifications as a logical predicate symbol ``function`` Definition or declaration of a logical function symbol which can also be used as a program function in ghost code ``predicate`` Definition or declaration of a logical predicate symbol which can also be used as a Boolean program function in ghost code ``let lemma`` definition of a special pure program function which serves not as an actual code to execute but to prove the function's contract as a lemma: “for all values of parameters, the precondition implies the postcondition”. This lemma is then added to the logical context and is made available to provers. If this “lemma-function” produces a result, the lemma is “for all values of parameters, the precondition implies the existence of a result that satisfies the postcondition”. Lemma-functions are mostly used to prove some property by induction directly in Why3, without resorting to an external higher-order proof assistant. Program functions (defined with ``let`` or declared with ``val``) can additionally be marked ``ghost``, meaning that they can only be used in the ghost code and never translated into executable code ; or ``partial``, meaning that their execution can produce observable effects unaccounted by their specification, and thus they cannot be used in the ghost code. Recursive program functions must be defined using ``let rec``. .. code-block:: whyml let rec size_tree (t: tree) : int = variant { t } match t with | Node _ f -> 1 + size_forest f end with size_forest (f: forest) : int = variant { f } match f with | Empty -> 0 | Cons t f -> size_tree t + size_forest f end .. index:: pair: keyword; clone .. index:: module cloning .. _Module cloning: Module cloning ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Why3 features a mechanism to make an instance of a module, by substituting some of its declarations with other symbols. It is called *module cloning*. Let us consider the example of a module implementing `exponentiation by squaring `_. We want to make it as general as possible, so that we can implement it and verify it only once and then reuse it in various different contexts, e.g., with integers, floating-point numbers, matrices, etc. We start our module with the introduction of a monoid: .. code-block:: whyml module Exp use int.Int use int.ComputerDivision type t val constant one : t val function mul t t : t axiom one_neutral: forall x. mul one x = x = mul x one axiom mul_assoc: forall x y z. mul x (mul y z) = mul (mul x y) z Then we define a simple exponentiation function, mostly for the purpose of specification: .. code-block:: whyml :dedent: 0 let rec function exp (x: t) (n: int) : t requires { n >= 0 } variant { n } = if n = 0 then one else mul x (exp x (n - 1)) In anticipation of the forthcoming verification of exponentiation by squaring, we prove two lemmas. As they require induction, we use lemma functions: .. code-block:: whyml :dedent: 0 let rec lemma exp_add (x: t) (n m: int) requires { 0 <= n /\ 0 <= m } variant { n } ensures { exp x (n + m) = mul (exp x n) (exp x m) } = if n > 0 then exp_add x (n - 1) m let rec lemma exp_mul (x: t) (n m: int) requires { 0 <= n /\ 0 <= m } variant { m } ensures { exp x (n * m) = exp (exp x n) m } = if m > 0 then exp_mul x n (m - 1) Finally, we implement and verify exponentiation by squaring, which completes our module. .. code-block:: whyml :dedent: 0 let fast_exp (x: t) (n: int) : t requires { n >= 0 } ensures { result = exp x n } = let ref p = x in let ref q = n in let ref r = one in while q > 0 do invariant { 0 <= q } invariant { mul r (exp p q) = exp x n } variant { q } if mod q 2 = 1 then r <- mul r p; p <- mul p p; q <- div q 2 done; r end Note that module ``Exp`` mixes declared symbols (type ``t``, constant ``one``, function ``mul``) and defined symbols (function ``exp``, program function ``fast_exp``). We can now make an instance of module ``Exp``, by substituting some of its declared symbols (not necessarily all of them) with some other symbols. For instance, we get exponentiation by squaring on integers by substituting ``int`` for type ``t``, integer ``1`` for constant ``one``, and integer multiplication for function ``mul``. .. code-block:: whyml module ExponentiationBySquaring use int.Int clone Exp with type t = int, val one = one, val mul = (*) end In a substitution such as ``val one = one``, the left-hand side refers to the namespace of the module being cloned, while the right-hand side refers to the current namespace (which here contains a constant ``one`` of type ``int``). When a module is cloned, any axiom is automatically turned into a lemma. Thus, the ``clone`` command above generates two VCs, one for lemma ``one_neutral`` and another for lemma ``mul_assoc``. If an axiom should instead remain an axiom, it should be explicitly indicated in the substitution (using ``axiom mul_assoc`` for instance). Why3 cannot figure out by itself whether an axiom should be turned into a lemma, so it goes for the safe path (all axioms are to be proved) by default. Lemmas that were proved in the module being cloned (such as ``exp_add`` and ``exp_mul`` here) are not reproved. They are part of the resulting namespace, the substitution being applied to their statements. Similarly, functions that were defined in the module being cloned (such as ``exp`` and ``fast_exp`` here) are not reproved and are part of the resulting module, the substitution being applied to their argument types, return type, and definition. For instance, we get a fresh function ``fast_exp`` of type ``int->int->int``. We can make plenty other instances of our module ``Exp``.Module For instance, we get `Russian multiplication `_ for free by instantiating ``Exp`` with zero and addition instead. .. code-block:: whyml module Multiplication use int.Int clone Exp with type t = int, val one = zero, val mul = (+) goal G: exp 2 3 = 6 end It is also possible to substitute certain types of defined symbols : logical functions and predicates, (co)inductives, algebraic data types, immutable records without invariants, range and floating-point types can all be substituted by symbols with the exact same definition. .. code-block:: whyml module A use int.Int predicate pos (n : int) = n >= 0 function abs (n : int) = if pos n then n else -n type 'a list = | Nil | Cons 'a (list 'a) type r = { a : int; b : string; } end module B use int.Int (* logical functions and predicates must be syntactically equal. *) predicate pos (n : int) = n >= 0 (* The substitution of pos is taken into account when checking * that the definitions are identical. *) function abs (n : int) = if pos n then n else -n (* For algebraic types, same definition means same constructors * in the same order. *) type 'a list = | Nil | Cons 'a (list 'a) (* Similarly records' fields must be in the exact same order. *) type r = { a : int; b : string; } clone A with predicate pos, function abs, type list, type r end Module interface ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Module interface allows to only use an high level view, the interface, of a module during the proof and the actual implementation during the extraction. It is based on the cloning mechanism for checking the correspondence between the implementation and the interface. For example the interface can model the datastructure with a simple finite set, and the inmplementation use an ordered list: .. code-block:: whyml module Set use set.Fset type t = abstract { contents : fset int } meta coercion function contents val empty () : t ensures { result = empty } val add (x : int) (s : t) : t ensures { result = add x s } val mem (x : int) (s : t) : bool ensures { result <-> mem x s } end (* Implementation of integer sets using ordered lists *) module ListSet : Set use int.Int use set.Fset use list.List use list.Mem use list.SortedInt type elt = int type t = { ghost contents : fset elt; list : list elt } invariant { forall x. Fset.mem x contents <-> mem x list } invariant { sorted list } by { contents = empty; list = Nil } meta coercion function contents let empty () = { contents = empty; list = Nil } let rec add_list x ys requires { sorted ys } variant { ys } ensures { forall y. mem y result <-> mem y ys \/ y = x } ensures { sorted result } = ... let add x s ensures { result = add x s } = { contents = add x s.contents; list = add_list x s.list } let rec mem_list x ys requires { sorted ys } variant { ys } ensures { result <-> mem x ys } = ... let mem x s = mem_list x s.list end module Main use ListSet let main () = let s = empty () in let s = add 1 s in let s = add 2 s in let s = add 3 s in let b1 = mem 3 s in let b2 = mem 4 s in assert { b1 = true /\ b2 = false }; (b1, b2) end During the proof of the function `main`, only the specifiction defined in `Set`` are present. So, for example, the generated goals are not polluted with the invariants of `ListSet`. However, during extraction the code of `ListSet` is used. .. index:: standard library The Why3 Standard Library ------------------------- The Why3 standard library provides general-purpose modules, to be used in logic and/or programs. It can be browsed on-line at Each file contains one or several modules. To ``use`` or ``clone`` a module ``M`` from file :file:`file.mlw`, use the syntax ``file.M``, since :file:`file.mlw` is available in Why3’s default load path. For instance, the module of integers and the module of arrays indexed by integers are imported as follows: .. code-block:: whyml use int.Int use array.Array A sub-directory :file:`mach/` provides various modules to model machine arithmetic. For instance, the module of 63-bit integers and the module of arrays indexed by 63-bit integers are imported as follows: .. code-block:: whyml use use mach.array.Array63 In particular, the types and operations from these modules are mapped to native OCaml’s types and operations when Why3 code is extracted to OCaml (see :numref:`sec.extract`). Library ``int``: mathematical integers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``int`` library contains several modules whose dependencies are displayed on Figure :numref:``. .. graphviz:: generated/ :caption: Module dependencies in library ``int``. :name: The main module is ``Int`` which provides basic operations like addition and multiplication, and comparisons. The division of modulo operations are defined in other modules. They indeed come into two flavors: the module ``EuclideanDivision`` proposes a version where the result of the modulo is always non-negative, whereas the module ``ComputerDivision`` provides a version which matches the standard definition available in programming languages like C, Java or OCaml. Note that these modules do not provide any divsion or modulo operations to be used in programs. For those, you must use the module ```` instead, which provides these operations, including proper pre-conditions, and with the usual infix syntax ``x / y`` and ``x % y``. The detailed documentation of the library is available on-line at Library ``array``: array data structure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``array`` library contains several modules whose dependencies are displayed on Figure :numref:`fig.lib.array`. .. graphviz:: generated/ :caption: Module dependencies in library ``array``. :name: fig.lib.array The main module is ``Array``, providing the operations for accessing and updating an array element, with respective syntax ``a[i]`` and ``a[i] <- e``, and proper pre-conditions for the indexes. The length of an array is denoted as ``a.length``. A fresh array can be created using ``make l v`` where ``l`` is the desired length and ``v`` is the initial value of each cell. The detailed documentation of the library is available on-line at