Technical Informations ====================== .. _sec.proverdetectiondata: Prover Detection ---------------- The data configuration for the automatic detection of installed provers is stored in the file :file:`provers-detection-data.conf` typically located in directory :file:`/usr/local/share/why3` after installation. .. _sec.whyconffile: The :file:`why3.conf` Configuration File ---------------------------------------- One can use a custom configuration file. The Why3 tools look for it in the following order: #. the file specified by the :option:`why3 --config` option, #. the file specified by the environment variable :envvar:`WHY3CONFIG` if set, #. the file :file:`$HOME/.why3.conf` (:file:`$USERPROFILE/.why3.conf` under Windows) or, in the case of local installation, :file:`why3.conf` in the top directory of Why3 sources. If none of these files exist, a built-in default configuration is used. A section begins with a header inside square brackets and ends at the beginning of the next section. The header of a section can be a single identifier, e.g., ``[main]``, or it can be composed by a family name and a single family argument, e.g., ``[prover alt-ergo]``. Sections contain associations ``key=value``. A value is either an integer (e.g., ``-555``), a boolean (``true``, ``false``), or a string (e.g., ``"emacs"``). Some specific keys can be attributed multiple values and are thus allowed to occur several times inside a given section. In that case, the relative order of these associations matters. Extra configuration files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In addition to the main configuration file, Why3 commands accept the option :option:`why3 --extra-config` to read one or more files containing additional configuration option. It allows the user to pass extra declarations in prover drivers, as illustrated in :numref:`sec.userdrivers`, including declarations for realizations, as illustrated in :numref:`sec.realizations`. .. _sec.drivers: Drivers for External Provers ---------------------------- Drivers for external provers are readable files from directory ``drivers``. They describe how Why3 should interact with external provers. Files with :file:`.drv` extension represent drivers that might be associated to a specific solver in the :file:`why3.conf` configuration file (see :numref:`sec.whyconffile` for more information); files with :file:`.gen` extension are intended to be imported by other drivers; finally, files with :file:`.aux` extension are automatically generated from the main :file:`Makefile`. .. graphviz:: generated/ :caption: Driver dependencies for SMT solvers :name: fig.drv.smt .. graphviz:: generated/ :caption: Driver dependencies for TPTP solvers :name: fig.drv.tptp .. graphviz:: generated/ :caption: Driver dependencies for Coq :name: fig.drv.coq .. graphviz:: generated/ :caption: Driver dependencies for Isabelle/HOL :name: fig.drv.isabelle .. graphviz:: generated/ :caption: Driver dependencies for PVS :name: fig.drv.pvs The most important drivers dependencies are shown in the following figures: :numref:`fig.drv.smt` shows the drivers files for SMT solvers, :numref:`fig.drv.tptp` for TPTP solvers, :numref:`fig.drv.coq` for Coq, :numref:`fig.drv.isabelle` for Isabelle/HOL, and :numref:`fig.drv.pvs` for PVS. .. _sec.userdrivers: Drivers for User Theories ------------------------- It is possible for the users to augment the system drivers with extra information for their own declared theories. The process is described by the following example. First, we define a new theory in a file :file:`bvmisc.mlw`, containing .. code-block:: whyml theory T use bv.BV8 use bv.BV16 function lsb BV16.t : BV8.t (** least significant bits *) function msb BV16.t : BV8.t (** most significant bits *) end For such a theory, it is a good idea to declare specific translation rules for provers that have a built-in bit-vector support, such as Z3 and CVC4 in this example. To do so, we write a extension driver file, :file:`my.drv`, containing .. code-block:: whyml theory bvmisc.T syntax function lsb "((_ extract 7 0) %1)" syntax function msb "((_ extract 15 8) %1)" end Now to tell Why3 that we would like this driver extension when calling Z3 or CVC4, we write an extra configuration file, :file:`my.conf`, containing .. code-block:: [prover_modifiers] prover = "CVC4" driver = "my.drv" [prover_modifiers] prover = "Z3" driver = "my.drv" Finally, to make the whole thing work, we have to call any Why3 command with the additional option :option:`why3 --extra-config`, such as :: why3 --extra-config=my.conf prove myfile.mlw .. _sec.transformations: Transformations --------------- This section documents the available transformations. Note that the set of available transformations in your own installation is given by :why3:tool:`why3 show transformations`. .. why3:transform:: apply Apply an hypothesis to the goal of the task using a *modus ponens* rule. The hypothesis should be an implication whose conclusion can be matched with the goal. The intuitive behavior of :why3:transform:`apply` can be translated as follows. Given :math:`\Gamma, h: f_1 \rightarrow f_2 \vdash G: f_2`, ``apply h`` generates a new task :math:`\Gamma, h: f_1 \rightarrow f_2 \vdash G: f_1`. In practice, the transformation also manages to instantiate some variables with the appropriate terms. For example, applying the transformation ``apply zero_is_even`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml predicate is_even int predicate is_zero int axiom zero_is_even: forall x: int. is_zero x -> is_even x goal G: is_even 0 produces the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml predicate is_even int predicate is_zero int axiom zero_is_even: forall x:int. is_zero x -> is_even x goal G: is_zero 0 The transformation first matched the goal against the hypothesis and instantiated ``x`` with ``0``. It then applied the *modus ponens* rule to generate the new goal. This transformation helps automated provers when they do not know which hypothesis to use in order to prove a goal. .. why3:transform:: apply with Variant of :why3:transform:`apply` intended to be used in contexts where the latter cannot infer what terms to use for variables given in the applied hypothesis. For example, applying the transformation ``apply transitivity`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml axiom ac: a = c axiom cb: c = b axiom transitivity : forall x y z:int. x = y -> y = z -> x = z goal G1 : a = b raises the following error: :: apply: Unable to infer arguments (try using "with") for: y It means that the tool is not able to infer the right term to instantiate symbol ``y``. In our case, the user knows that the term ``c`` should work. So, it can be specified as follows: ``apply transitivity with c`` This generates two goals which are easily provable with hypotheses ``ac`` and ``cb``. When multiple variables are needed, they should be provided as a list in the transformation. For the sake of the example, we complicate the ``transitivity`` hypothesis: .. code-block:: whyml axiom t : forall x y z k:int. k = k -> x = y -> y = z -> x = z A value can be provided for ``k`` as follows: ``apply t with c,0``. .. why3:transform:: assert Create an intermediate subgoal. This is comparable to ``assert`` written in WhyML code. Here, the intent is only to help provers by specifying one key argument of the reasoning they should use. Example: From a goal of the form :math:`\Gamma \vdash G`, the transformation ``assert (n = 0)`` produces the following two tasks: :math:`\Gamma \vdash h: n = 0` and :math:`\Gamma, h: n = 0 \vdash G`. This effectively adds ``h`` as an intermediate goal to prove. .. why3:transform:: assert as Same as :why3:transform:`assert`, except that a name can be given to the new hypothesis. Example: ``assert (x = 0) as x0``. .. why3:transform:: case Split a goal into two subgoals, using the *excluded middle* on a given formula. On the task :math:`\Gamma \vdash G`, the transformation ``case f`` produces two tasks: :math:`\Gamma, h: f \vdash G` and :math:`\Gamma, h: \neg f \vdash G`. For example, applying ``case (x = 0)`` on the following goals .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int constant y : int goal G: if x = 0 then y = 2 else y = 3 produces the following goals: .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int constant y : int axiom h : x = 0 goal G : if x = 0 then y = 2 else y = 3 .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int constant y : int axiom h : not x = 0 goal G : if x = 0 then y = 2 else y = 3 The intent is again to simplify the job of automated provers by giving them a key argument of the reasoning behind the proof of a subgoal. .. why3:transform:: case as Same as :why3:transform:`case`, except that a name can be given to the new hypothesis. Example: ``case (x = 0) as x0``. .. why3:transform:: clear_but Remove all the hypotheses except those specified in the arguments. This is useful when a prover fails to find relevant hypotheses in a very large context. Example: ``clear_but h23,h25``. .. why3:transform:: compute_hyp Apply the transformation :why3:transform:`compute_in_goal` on the given hypothesis. .. why3:transform:: compute_hyp_specified Apply the transformation :why3:transform:`compute_specified` on the given hypothesis. .. why3:transform:: compute_in_goal Aggressively apply all known computation/simplification rules. The kinds of simplification are as follows. - Computations with built-in symbols, e.g., operations on integers, when applied to explicit constants, are evaluated. This includes evaluation of equality when a decision can be made (on integer constants, on constructors of algebraic data types), Boolean evaluation, simplification of pattern-matching/conditional expression, extraction of record fields, and beta-reduction. At best, these computations reduce the goal to ``true`` and the transformations thus does not produce any sub-goal. For example, a goal like ``6*7=42`` is solved by those transformations. - Unfolding of definitions, as done by :why3:transform:`inline_goal`. Transformation :why3:transform:`compute_in_goal` unfolds all definitions, including recursive ones. For :why3:transform:`compute_specified`, the user can enable unfolding of a specific logic symbol by attaching the meta :why3:meta:`rewrite_def` to the symbol. .. code-block:: whyml function sqr (x:int) : int = x * x meta "rewrite_def" function sqr - Rewriting using axioms or lemmas declared as rewrite rules. When an axiom (or a lemma) has one of the forms .. code-block:: whyml axiom a: forall ... t1 = t2 or .. code-block:: whyml axiom a: forall ... f1 <-> f2 then the user can declare .. code-block:: whyml meta "rewrite" prop a to turn this axiom into a rewrite rule. Rewriting is always done from left to right. Beware that there is no check for termination nor for confluence of the set of rewrite rules declared. Instead of using a meta, it is possible to declare an axiom as a rewrite rule by adding the :why3:attribute:`[@rewrite]` attribute on the axiom name or on the axiom itself, e.g., .. code-block:: whyml axiom a [@rewrite]: forall ... t1 = t2 lemma b: [@rewrite] forall ... f1 <-> f2 The second form allows some form of local rewriting, e.g., .. code-block:: whyml lemma l: forall x y. ([@rewrite] x = y) -> f x = f y can be proved by :why3:transform:`introduce_premises` followed by :why3:transform:`compute_specified`. The computations performed by this transformation can take an arbitrarily large number of steps, or even not terminate. For this reason, the number of steps is bounded by a maximal value, which is set by default to 1000. This value can be increased by another meta, e.g., .. code-block:: whyml meta "compute_max_steps" 1_000_000 When this upper limit is reached, a warning is issued, and the partly-reduced goal is returned as the result of the transformation. .. why3:transform:: compute_specified Same as :why3:transform:`compute_in_goal`, but perform rewriting using only built-in operators and user-provided rules. .. why3:transform:: cut Same as :why3:transform:`assert`, but the order of the generated subgoals is reversed. .. why3:transform:: destruct Eliminate the head symbol of a hypothesis. For example, applying ``destruct h`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml constant p1 : bool predicate p2 int axiom h : p1 = True /\ (forall x:int. p2 x) goal G : p2 0 removes the logical connective ``/\`` and produces .. code-block:: whyml constant p1 : bool predicate p2 int axiom h1 : p1 = True axiom h : forall x:int. p2 x goal G : p2 0 :why3:transform:`destruct` can be applied on the following constructions: - ``false``, ``true``, - ``/\``, ``\/``, ``->``, ``not``, - ``exists``, - ``if ... then ... else ...``, - ``match ... with ... end``, - (in)equality on constructors of the same type. .. why3:transform:: destruct_rec Recursively call :why3:transform:`destruct` on the generated hypotheses. The recursion on implication and ``match`` stops after the first occurrence of a different symbol. For example, applying ``destruct_rec H`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml predicate a predicate b predicate c axiom H : (a -> b) /\ (b /\ c) goal G : false does not destruct the implication symbol because it occurs as a subterm of an already destructed symbol. This restriction applies only to implication and ``match`` Other symbols are destructed recursively. Thus, in the generated task, the second ``/\`` is simplified: .. code-block:: whyml predicate a predicate b predicate c axiom H2 : a -> b axiom H1 : b axiom H: c goal G : false .. why3:transform:: destruct_term Destruct an expression according to the type of the expression. The transformation produces all possible outcomes of a destruction of the algebraic type. For example, applying ``destruct_term a`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml type t = A | B int constant a : t goal G : a = A produces the following two goals: .. code-block:: whyml type t = A | B int constant a : t constant x : int axiom h : a = B x goal G : a = A .. code-block:: whyml type t = A | B int constant a : t axiom h : a = A goal G : a = A The term was destructed according to all the possible outcomes in the type. Note that, during destruction, a new constant ``x`` has been introduced for the argument of constructor ``B``. .. why3:transform:: destruct_term using Same as :why3:transform:`destruct_term`, except that names can be given to the constants that were generated. .. why3:transform:: destruct_term_subst Same as :why3:transform:`destruct_term`, except that it also substitutes the created term. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_algebraic Replace algebraic data types by first-order definitions :cite:`paskevich09rr`. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_builtin Remove definitions of symbols that are declared as builtin in the driver, with a “syntax” rule. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_definition_func Replace all function definitions with axioms. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_definition_pred Replace all predicate definitions with axioms. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_definition Apply both :why3:transform:`eliminate_definition_func` and :why3:transform:`eliminate_definition_pred`. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_if Apply both :why3:transform:`eliminate_if_term` and :why3:transform:`eliminate_if_fmla`. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_if_fmla Replace formulas of the form ``if f1 then f2 else f3`` by an equivalent formula using implications and other connectives. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_if_term Replace terms of the form ``if formula then t2 else t3`` by lifting them at the level of formulas. This may introduce ``if then else`` in formulas. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_inductive Replace inductive predicates by (incomplete) axiomatic definitions, construction axioms and an inversion axiom. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_let Apply both :why3:transform:`eliminate_let_fmla` and :why3:transform:`eliminate_let_term`. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_let_fmla Eliminate ``let`` by substitution, at the predicate level. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_let_term Eliminate ``let`` by substitution, at the term level. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_literal .. why3:transform:: eliminate_mutual_recursion Replace mutually recursive definitions with axioms. .. why3:transform:: eliminate_recursion Replace all recursive definitions with axioms. .. why3:transform:: encoding_smt Encode polymorphic types into monomorphic types :cite:`conchon08smt`. .. why3:transform:: encoding_tptp Encode theories into unsorted logic. .. why3:transform:: exists Instantiate an existential quantification with a witness. For example, applying ``exists 0`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml goal G : exists x:int. x = 0 instantiates the symbol ``x`` with ``0``. Thus, the goal becomes .. code-block:: whyml goal G : 0 = 0 .. why3:transform:: hide Hide a given term, by creating a new constant equal to the term and then replacing all occurrences of the term in the context by this constant. For example, applying ``hide t (1 + 1)`` on the goal .. code-block:: whyml constant y : int axiom h : forall x:int. x = (1 + 1) goal G : (y - (1 + 1)) = ((1 + 1) - (1 + 1)) replaces all the occurrences of ``(1 + 1)`` with ``t``, which gives the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml constant y : int constant t : int axiom H : t = (1 + 1) axiom h : forall x:int. x = t goal G : (y - t) = (t - t) .. why3:transform:: hide_and_clear First apply :why3:transform:`hide` and then remove the equality between the hidden term and the introduced constant. This means that the hidden term completely disappears and cannot be recovered. .. why3:transform:: induction Perform a reasoning by induction for the current goal. For example, applying ``induction n`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml constant n : int predicate p int predicate p1 int axiom h : p1 n goal G : p n performs an induction on ``n`` starting at ``0``. The goal for the base case is .. code-block:: whyml constant n : int predicate p int predicate p1 int axiom h : p1 n axiom Init : n <= 0 goal G : p n while the recursive case is .. code-block:: whyml constant n : int predicate p int predicate p1 int axiom h : p1 n axiom Init : 0 < n axiom Hrec : forall n1:int. n1 < n -> p1 n1 -> p n1 goal G : p n .. why3:transform:: induction from Same as :why3:transform:`induction`, but it starts the induction from a given integer instead of ``0``. .. why3:transform:: induction_arg_pr Apply :why3:transform:`induction_pr` on the given hypothesis/goal symbol. .. why3:transform:: induction_arg_ty_lex Apply :why3:transform:`induction_ty_lex` on the given symbol. .. why3:transform:: induction_pr .. why3:transform:: induction_ty_lex Perform structural, lexicographic induction on goals involving universally quantified variables of algebraic data types, such as lists, trees, etc. For instance, it transforms the following goal .. code-block:: whyml goal G: forall l: list 'a. length l >= 0 into this one: .. code-block:: whyml goal G : forall l:list 'a. match l with | Nil -> length l >= 0 | Cons a l1 -> length l1 >= 0 -> length l >= 0 end When induction can be applied to several variables, the transformation picks one heuristically. The :why3:attribute:`[@induction]` attribute can be used to force induction over one particular variable, with .. code-block:: whyml goal G: forall l1 [@induction] l2 l3: list 'a. l1 ++ (l2 ++ l3) = (l1 ++ l2) ++ l3 induction will be applied on ``l1``. If this attribute is attached to several variables, a lexicographic induction is performed on these variables, from left to right. .. why3:transform:: inline_trivial Expand and remove definitions of the form .. code-block:: whyml function f x1 ... xn = g e1 ... ek predicate p x1 ... xn = q e1 ... ek when each :samp:`e{i}` is either a ground term or one of the :samp:`x{j}`, and each ``x1 ... xn`` occurs at most once in all the :samp:`e{i}`. The attribute :why3:attribute:`[@inline:trivial]` can be used to tag functions, so that the transformation forcefully expands them (not using the conditions above). This can be used to ensure that some specific functions are inlined for automatic provers (:why3:transform:`inline_trivial` is used in many drivers). .. why3:transform:: inline_goal Expand all outermost symbols of the goal that have a non-recursive definition. .. why3:transform:: inline_all Expand all non-recursive definitions. .. why3:transform:: instantiate Generate a new hypothesis with quantified variables replaced by the given terms. For example, applying ``instantiate h 0, 1`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml predicate p int axiom h : forall x:int, y:int. x <= y -> p x /\ p y goal G : p 0 generates a new hypothesis: .. code-block:: whyml predicate p int axiom h : forall x:int, y:int. x <= y -> p x /\ p y axiom Hinst : 0 <= 1 -> p 0 /\ p 1 goal G : p 0 This is used to help automatic provers that are generally better at working on instantiated hypothesis. .. why3:transform:: inst_rem Apply :why3:transform:`instantiate` then remove the original instantiated hypothesis. .. why3:transform:: introduce_premises Move antecedents of implications and universal quantifications of the goal into the premises of the task. .. why3:transform:: intros Introduce universal quantifiers in the context. For example, applying ``intros n, m`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml predicate p int int int goal G : forall x:int, y:int, z:int. p x y z produces the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml predicate p int int int constant n : int constant m : int goal G : forall z:int. p n m z .. why3:transform:: intros_n Same as :why3:transform:`intros`, but stops after the nth quantified variable or premise. For example, applying ``intros_n 2`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml predicate p int int int goal G : forall x:int, y:int, z:int. p x y z produces the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml predicate p int int int constant x : int constant y : int goal G : forall z:int. p x y z .. why3:transform:: inversion_arg_pr Apply :why3:transform:`inversion_pr` on the given hypothesis/goal symbol. .. why3:transform:: inversion_pr .. why3:transform:: left Remove the right part of the head disjunction of the goal. For example, applying ``left`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int goal G : x = 0 \/ x = 1 produces the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int goal G : x = 0 .. why3:transform:: pose Add a new constant equal to the given term. For example, applying ``pose t (x + 2)`` to the following goal .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int goal G : true produces the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int constant t : int axiom H : t = (x + 2) goal G : true .. why3:transform:: remove Remove a hypothesis from the context. For example, applying ``remove h`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml axiom h : true goal G : true produces the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml goal G : true .. why3:transform:: remove_unused Remove from the context all the logic symbols that are not used by the goal or the hypothesis. The effect of that transformation can be expanded by adding dependency metas. Namely, with a declaration of the form .. code-block:: whyml meta "remove_unused:dependency" axiom a, function f then occurrences of `f` in axiom `a` are not counted as occurrences for `f`. The intended meaning is that `a` is a definitional axiom for `f`, so when `f` is not needed in the remainder, both the axiom and the declaration of `f` can be removed. When there are several such definitional axioms for `f`, a meta must be declared for each axiom. When an axiom is definitional for several symbols at the same time, several meta must be declared as well. The rule of thumb is that an axiom is kept as soon as at least one of the symbols it defines is needed in the remainder, otherwise it is discarded. .. why3:transform:: remove_unused_keep_constant A variant of :why3:transform:`remove_unused` above, where the constant, i.e. the nullary function symbols, are always kept. The effect of that transformation is controllable with an additional meta of the form .. code-block:: whyml meta "remove_unused:remove_constant" constant f when in that case `f` is also tried to be removed, as if it was with the full :why3:transform:`remove_unused` transformation. .. why3:transform:: replace Replace a term with another one in a hypothesis or in the goal. This generates a new goal which asks for the proof of the equality. For example, applying ``replace (y + 1) (x + 2) in h`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int constant y : int axiom h : x >= (y + 1) goal G : true produces the following two goals: .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int constant y : int axiom h : x >= (x + 2) goal G : true .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int constant y : int axiom h : x >= (y + 1) goal G : (y + 1) = (x + 2) It can be seen as the combination of :why3:transform:`assert` and :why3:transform:`rewrite`. .. why3:transform:: revert Opposite of :why3:transform:`intros`. It takes hypotheses/constants and quantifies them in the goal. For example, applying ``revert x`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int constant y : int axiom h : x = y goal G : true produces the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml constant y : int goal G : forall x:int. x = y -> true .. why3:transform:: rewrite Rewrite using the given equality hypothesis. For example, applying ``rewrite eq`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml function a int : bool function b int : bool constant y : int axiom eq : forall x:int. not x = 0 -> a x = b x goal G : a y = True produces the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml function a int : bool function b int : bool constant y : int axiom eq : forall x:int. not x = 0 -> a x = b x goal G : b y = True It also produces a goal for the premise of the equality hypothesis (as would :why3:transform:`apply`): .. code-block:: whyml function a int : bool function b int : bool constant y : int axiom eq : forall x:int. not x = 0 -> a x = b x goal G : not y = 0 .. why3:transform:: rewrite with Variant of :why3:transform:`rewrite` intended to be used in contexts where the latter cannot infer what terms to use for the variables of the given hypotheses (see also :why3:transform:`apply with`). For example, the transformation ``rewrite eq with 0`` can be applied to the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml function a int : bool function b int : bool constant y : int axiom eq : forall x:int, z:int. z = 0 -> not x = 0 -> a x = b x goal G : a y = True Here, a value is provided for the symbol ``z``. This leads to the following three goals. One is the rewritten one, while the other two are for the premises of the equality hypothesis. .. code-block:: whyml function a int : bool function b int : bool constant y : int axiom eq : forall x:int, z:int. z = 0 -> not x = 0 -> a x = b x goal G : b y = True .. code-block:: whyml function a int : bool function b int : bool constant y : int axiom eq : forall x:int, z:int. z = 0 -> not x = 0 -> a x = b x goal G : 0 = 0 .. code-block:: whyml function a int : bool function b int : bool constant y : int axiom eq : forall x:int, z:int. z = 0 -> not x = 0 -> a x = b x goal G : not y = 0 .. why3:transform:: rewrite_list Variant of :why3:transform:`rewrite` that allows simultaneous rewriting in a list of hypothesis/goals. .. why3:transform:: right Remove the left part of the head disjunction of the goal. For example, applying ``right`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int goal G : x = 0 \/ x = 1 produces the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int goal G : x = 1 .. why3:transform:: simplify_array Automatically rewrite the task using the lemma ``Select_eq`` of theory ``map.Map``. .. why3:transform:: simplify_formula Reduce trivial equalities ``t=t`` to true and then simplify propositional structure: removes ``true``, ``false``, simplifies ``f /\ f`` to ``f``, etc. .. why3:transform:: simplify_formula_and_task Apply :why3:transform:`simplify_formula` and remove the goal if it is equivalent to true. .. why3:transform:: simplify_recursive_definition Reduce mutually recursive definitions if they are not really mutually recursive, e.g., :: function f : ... = ... g ... with g : ... = e becomes :: function g : ... = e function f : ... = ... g ... if ``f`` does not occur in ``e``. .. why3:transform:: simplify_trivial_quantification Simplify quantifications of the form :: forall x, x = t -> P(x) into :: P(t) when ``x`` does not occur in ``t``. More generally, this simplification is applied whenever ``x=t`` or ``t=x`` appears in negative position. .. why3:transform:: simplify_trivial_quantification_in_goal Apply :why3:transform:`simplify_trivial_quantification`, but only in the goal. .. why3:transform:: split_all Perform both :why3:transform:`split_premise` and :why3:transform:`split_goal`. .. why3:transform:: split_all_full Perform both :why3:transform:`split_premise` and :why3:transform:`split_goal_full`. .. why3:transform:: split_goal Change conjunctive goals into the corresponding set of subgoals. In absence of case analysis attributes, the number of subgoals generated is linear in the size of the initial goal. The transformation treats specially asymmetric and ``by``/``so`` connectives. Asymmetric conjunction ``A && B`` in goal position is handled as syntactic sugar for ``A /\ (A -> B)``. The conclusion of the first subgoal can then be used to prove the second one. Asymmetric disjunction ``A || B`` in hypothesis position is handled as syntactic sugar for ``A \/ ((not A) /\ B)``. In particular, a case analysis on such hypothesis would give the negation of the first hypothesis in the second case. The ``by`` connective is treated as a proof indication. In hypothesis position, ``A by B`` is treated as if it were syntactic sugar for its regular interpretation ``A``. In goal position, it is treated as if ``B`` was an intermediate step for proving ``A``. ``A by B`` is then replaced by ``B`` and the transformation also generates a side-condition subgoal ``B -> A`` representing the logical cut. Although splitting stops at disjunctive points like symmetric disjunction and left-hand sides of implications, the occurrences of the ``by`` connective are not restricted. For instance: - Splitting :: goal G : (A by B) && C generates the subgoals :: goal G1 : B goal G2 : A -> C goal G3 : B -> A (* side-condition *) - Splitting :: goal G : (A by B) \/ (C by D) generates :: goal G1 : B \/ D goal G2 : B -> A (* side-condition *) goal G3 : D -> C (* side-condition *) - Splitting :: goal G : (A by B) || (C by D) generates :: goal G1 : B || D goal G2 : B -> A (* side-condition *) goal G3 : B || (D -> C) (* side-condition *) Note that due to the asymmetric disjunction, the disjunction is kept in the second side-condition subgoal. - Splitting :: goal G : exists x. P x by x = 42 generates :: goal G1 : exists x. x = 42 goal G2 : forall x. x = 42 -> P x (* side-condition *) Note that in the side-condition subgoal, the context is universally closed. The ``so`` connective plays a similar role in hypothesis position, as it serves as a consequence indication. In goal position, ``A so B`` is treated as if it were syntactic sugar for its regular interpretation ``A``. In hypothesis position, it is treated as if both ``A`` and ``B`` were true because ``B`` is a consequence of ``A``. ``A so B`` is replaced by ``A /\ B`` and the transformation also generates a side-condition subgoal ``A -> B`` corresponding to the consequence relation between formula. As with the ``by`` connective, occurrences of ``so`` are unrestricted. Examples: - Splitting :: goal G : (((A so B) \/ C) -> D) && E generates :: goal G1 : ((A /\ B) \/ C) -> D goal G2 : (A \/ C -> D) -> E goal G3 : A -> B (* side-condition *) - Splitting :: goal G : A by exists x. P x so Q x so R x by T x (* reads: A by (exists x. P x so (Q x so (R x by T x))) *) generates :: goal G1 : exists x. P x goal G2 : forall x. P x -> Q x (* side-condition *) goal G3 : forall x. P x -> Q x -> T x (* side-condition *) goal G4 : forall x. P x -> Q x -> T x -> R x (* side-condition *) goal G5 : (exists x. P x /\ Q x /\ R x) -> A (* side-condition *) In natural language, this corresponds to the following proof scheme for ``A``: There exists a ``x`` for which ``P`` holds. Then, for that witness ``Q`` and ``R`` also holds. The last one holds because ``T`` holds as well. And from those three conditions on ``x``, we can deduce ``A``. The transformations in the “split” family can be controlled by using attributes on formulas. The :why3:attribute:`[@stop_split]` attribute can be used to block the splitting of a formula. The attribute is removed after blocking, so applying the transformation a second time will split the formula. This is can be used to decompose the splitting process in several steps. Also, if a formula with this attribute is found in non-goal position, its ``by``/``so`` proof indication will be erased by the transformation. In a sense, formulas tagged by :why3:attribute:`[@stop_split]` are handled as if they were local lemmas. The :why3:attribute:`[@case_split]` attribute can be used to force case analysis on hypotheses. For instance, applying :why3:transform:`split_goal` on :: goal G : ([@case_split] A \/ B) -> C generates the subgoals :: goal G1 : A -> C goal G2 : B -> C Without the attribute, the transformation does nothing because undesired case analysis may easily lead to an exponential blow-up. Note that the precise behavior of splitting transformations in presence of the :why3:attribute:`[@case_split]` attribute is not yet specified and is likely to change in future versions. .. why3:transform:: split_goal_full Behave similarly to :why3:transform:`split_goal`, but also convert the goal to conjunctive normal form. The number of subgoals generated may be exponential in the size of the initial goal. .. why3:transform:: split_intro Perform both :why3:transform:`split_goal` and :why3:transform:`introduce_premises`. .. why3:transform:: split_premise Replace axioms in conjunctive form by an equivalent collection of axioms. In absence of case analysis attributes (see :why3:transform:`split_goal` for details), the number of axiom generated per initial axiom is linear in the size of that initial axiom. .. why3:transform:: split_premise_full Behave similarly to :why3:transform:`split_premise`, but also convert the axioms to conjunctive normal form. The number of axioms generated per initial axiom may be exponential in the size of the initial axiom. .. why3:transform:: subst Substitute a given constant using an equality found in the context. The constant is removed. For example, when applying ``subst x`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int constant y : int constant z : int axiom h : x = y + 1 axiom h1 : z = (x + y) goal G : x = z the transformation first finds the hypothesis ``h`` that can be used to rewrite ``x``. Then, it replaces every occurrences of ``x`` with ``y + 1``. Finally, it removes ``h`` and ``x``. The resulting goal is as follows: .. code-block:: whyml constant y : int constant z : int axiom h1 : z = ((y + 1) + y) goal G : (y + 1) = z This transformation is used to make the task more easily readable by a human during debugging. This transformation should not help automatic provers at all as they generally implement substitution rules in their logic. .. why3:transform:: subst_all Substitute all the variables that can be substituted. For example, applying ``subst_all`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml constant x : int constant x1 : int constant y : int constant z : int axiom h : x = (y + 1) axiom hx1 : x = x1 axiom h1 : z = (x + y) goal G : x = z produces the following goal, where ``x``, ``x1``, and ``z`` have been removed: .. code-block:: whyml constant y : int goal G : (y + 1) = ((y + 1) + y) The order in which constants are substituted is not specified. .. why3:transform:: unfold Unfold the definition of a logical symbol in the given hypothesis. For example, applying ``unfold p`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml predicate p (x:int) = x <= 22 axiom h : forall x:int. p x -> p (x - 1) goal G : p 21 produces the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml predicate p (x:int) = x <= 22 axiom h : forall x:int. p x -> p (x - 1) goal G : 21 <= 22 One can also unfold in the hypothesis, using ``unfold p in h``, which gives the following goal: .. code-block:: whyml predicate p (x:int) = x <= 22 axiom h : forall x:int. x <= 22 -> (x - 1) <= 22 goal G : 21 <= 22 .. why3:transform:: use_th Import a theory inside the current context. This is used, in some rare case, to reduced the size of the context in other goals, since importing a theory in the WhyML code would the theory available in all goals whereas the theory is only needed in one specific goal. For example, applying ``use_th int.Int`` on the following goal .. code-block:: whyml predicate p int goal G : p 5 imports the ``Int`` theory. So, one is able to use the addition over integers, e.g., ``replace 5 (2 + 3)``. Any lemma appearing in the imported theory can also be used. Note that axioms are also imported. So, this transformation should be used with care. We recommend to use only theories that do not contain any axiom because this transformation could easily make the context inconsistent. .. _sec.strategies: Proof Strategies ---------------- In the context of Why3, proof strategies are mechanisms that automate the application of transformations and provers on proof tasks. These strategies are mainly meant to be invoked in the IDE. Strategies come into two flavours: first the so-called basic strategies, and second a more complex mechanism allowing one to program strategies in OCaml. Such strategies are supposed to be programmed on top of the module `Strategy` of the Why3 API. Such strategies can also by called goal-oriented, since programming them in OCaml provides a way to inspect the formulas in the goal or hypothesis of the task, and apply transformations depending on their shapes. Below we document one of such strategy: a strategy for error propagation in floating-point computations. Basic Strategies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As seen in :numref:`sec.ideref`, the IDE provides a few buttons that trigger the run of basic proof strategies on the selected goals. Such proof strategies can be defined using a basic assembly-style language, and put into the Why3 configuration file. The commands of this basic language are: - :samp:`c {p} {t} {m}` calls the prover *p* with a time limit *t* and memory limit *m*. On success, the strategy ends, it continues to next line otherwise. - :samp:`c {p1} {t1} {m1} | ... | {pk} {tk} {mk}` calls the provers *p1* to *pk* in parallel. On success on one prover, the other provers are interrupted, and the strategy ends. It continues to next line if none of the provers succeed. - :samp:`t {n} {lab}` applies the transformation *n*. On success, the strategy continues to label *lab*, and is applied to each generated sub-goals. It continues to next line otherwise. - :samp:`g {lab}` unconditionally jumps to label *lab*. - :samp:`{lab}:` declares the label *lab*. The default label ``exit`` stops the program. To exemplify this basic programming language, we give below the default strategies that are attached to the default buttons of the IDE, assuming that the provers Alt-Ergo 2.3.0, CVC4 1.7, and Z3 4.8.4 have been detected by the :why3:tool:`why3 config` command. Split_VC is bound to the 1-line strategy :: t split_vc exit Auto_level_0 is bound to :: c Z3,4.8.4, 1 1000 c Alt-Ergo,2.3.0, 1 1000 c CVC4,1.7, 1 1000 The three provers are tried for a time limit of 1 second and memory limit of 1 Gb, each in turn. This is a perfect strategy for a first attempt to discharge a new goal. Auto_level_1 is bound to :: c Z3,4.8.4, 5 1000 | Alt-Ergo,2.3.0, 5 1000 | CVC4,1.7, 5 1000 Same as Auto_level_0 but with 5 seconds instead of 1, and in parallel. Auto_level_2 is bound to :: start: c Z3,4.8.4, 1 1000 c Alt-Ergo,2.3.0, 1 1000 c CVC4,1.7, 1 1000 t split_vc start c Z3,4.8.4, 10 4000 | Alt-Ergo,2.3.0, 10 4000 | CVC4,1.7, 10 4000 The three provers are first tried for a time limit of 1 second and memory limit of 1 Gb, each in turn. If none of them succeed, a split is attempted. If the split works then the same strategy is retried on each sub-goals. If the split does not succeed, the provers are tried again with larger limits, and in parallel. Auto_level_3 is bound to :: start: c Z3,4.8.4, 1 1000 c Eprover,2.0, 1 1000 c Spass,3.7, 1 1000 c Alt-Ergo,2.3.0, 1 1000 c CVC4,1.7, 1 1000 t split_vc start c Z3,4.8.4, 5 2000 | Eprover,2.0, 5 2000 | Spass,3.7, 5 2000 | Alt-Ergo,2.3.0, 5 2000 | CVC4,1.7, 5 2000 t introduce_premises afterintro afterintro: t inline_goal afterinline g trylongertime afterinline: t split_all_full start trylongertime: c Z3,4.8.4, 30 4000 | Eprover,2.0, 30 4000 | Spass,3.7, 30 4000 | Alt-Ergo,2.3.0, 30 4000 | CVC4,1.7, 30 4000 Notice that now 5 provers are used. The provers are first tried for a time limit of 1 second and memory limit of 1 Gb, each in turn. If none of them succeed, a split is attempted. If the split works then the same strategy is retried on each sub-goals. If the split does not succeed, the prover are tried again with limits of 5 s and 2 Gb, and in parallel. If all fail, we attempt the transformation of introduction of premises in the context, followed by an inlining of the definitions in the goals. We then attempt a split again. If the split succeeds, we restart from the beginning. Otherwise, provers are tried again, in parallel, with 30s and 4 Gb. Forward propagation in floating-point computations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The specialized strategy ``forward_propagation`` can be used for automatically computing and proving a rounding error on a term of type ``ufloat`` which is the type of unbounded floats as defined in the theory `ufloat` of the standard library. More background on forward error propagation will be available soon in an incoming research report. The only transformations used are : - ``assert``, to assert the existence of a forward error. - ``apply``, to apply one of the forward propagation lemmas. The strategy uses the following process: 1. Look at the form of the goal. If the goal has the form ``abs (to_real x -. exact_x) <=. C``, it goes to step 2, else it does nothing. 2. Look at term ``x``. There are 2 cases : * 2.1. : ``x`` is either the result of a supported ufloat operation (e.g. addition, multiplication) on some arguments or the result of the application of an approximation of a supported function (e.g. exponential) to some arguments. Then the strategy applies recursively step 2 for each argument of the ufloat operation/function approximation to compute their forward error. For each forward error computed, the strategy also generates a proof tree containing the steps to prove it. If at least one forward error is computed, then the propagation lemma corresponding to the ufloat operation/approximated function is used to compute the forward error for ``x`` and ``exact_x``, and a corresponding proof tree is generated. The root of the proof tree consists of an assertion of the forward error computed for ``x``, and the child node will generally be the application of the transformation ``apply`` with the propagation lemma as an argument. The propagation lemma contains hypotheses about forward errors for the arguments, therefore the proof trees computed for them recursively are attached as nodes to the corresponding nodes of the tree. * 2.2. : ``x`` is something else. Then no forward error is computed and no proof tree is generated. Currently, propagation lemmas exist for the following functions : * ufloat addition, subtraction, multiplication and negation. * ufloat approximations of ``log`` and ``exp`` functions. * ufloat approximations of the iterated sum function (defined in stdlib module ``real.Sum``). The following excerpt is an example of a program that can be proved using the strategy : :: use real.RealInfix use real.Abs use ufloat.USingle let ghost addition_errors_basic (a b c : usingle) ensures { let exact = to_real a +. to_real b +. to_real c in let exact_abs = abs (to_real a) +. abs (to_real b) +. abs (to_real c) in abs (to_real result -. exact) <=. 2. *. eps *. exact_abs } = a ++. b ++. c To use the strategy within Why3 IDE in order to prove the program, one must perform the following steps : 1. Apply the ``split_vc`` transformation to generate the subgoals. 2. Select the proof node of the postcondition and apply the ``forward_propagation`` strategy, either by typing the name of the strategy in the command line or by right clicking on the proof node and selecting the strategy. 3. The strategy will generate a proof tree. The nodes of the tree should be easily proved using one of the ``auto`` strategies. Note that the ``forward_propagation`` strategy can also be used when the user has no specific forward error in mind as a way to propose a provable bound. For instance in the example above, one could have replaced the term ``2. *. eps *. exact_abs`` by anything in the postcondition. The strategy would still have worked and it would have generated an assertion about a forward error that it can prove. One could then use this forward error in the postcondition. For more examples of the use of the strategy, see the directory ``examples/numeric`` of the examples repository. .. _sec.attributes: WhyML Attributes ---------------- .. why3:attribute:: case_split .. why3:attribute:: cfg:stackify .. why3:attribute:: cfg:subregion_analysis .. why3:attribute:: extraction:inline If the name of a function is labeled with this attribute, its body will be inlined at every call site during extraction (see :numref:`sec.extract`). This is especially useful for trivial wrapper functions whose only purpose is to provide a slightly different specification from the original function. .. why3:attribute:: extraction:likely This attribute can be applied to a Boolean expression to indicate whether it is likely to be true. This is used at extraction time (see :numref:`sec.extract`), assuming the target language supports it. For example, when extracting to C, the extracted expression will be tagged with ``__builtin_expect``. .. why3:attribute:: extraction:unlikely This attribute can be applied to a Boolean expression to indicate whether it is likely to be false. This is the opposite of :why3:attribute:`extraction:likely`. .. why3:attribute:: extraction:preserve_single_field This attribute is applied to the declaration of a record type. If this record contains only one field, for instance ``type t = { x : int }``, then, by default, extraction engine considers the type ``t`` as an alias of type ``int``. If this attribute is applied to ``t``, then this optimization is disabled. .. why3:attribute:: induction .. why3:attribute:: infer .. why3:attribute:: inline:trivial .. why3:attribute:: model_trace .. why3:attribute:: rewrite .. why3:attribute:: stop_split .. why3:attribute:: vc:annotation This attribute is added by the VC generator, on the user input formulas which become goals to prove in the resulting VC. It should not be added manually. .. why3:attribute:: vc:divergent This attribute indicates whether VCs for termination should be generated. See :numref:`sec.terminationvc` for details. .. why3:attribute:: vc:keep_precondition This attribute indicates whether preconditions of calls should be kept as assumptions for the program after the call. See :numref:`sec.keeppreconditions` for details. .. why3:attribute:: vc:sp This attribute, put on a WhyML expression, locally switches the VC generator to the SP mode, for that expression. See :numref:`sec.strongestpostconditions` for details. .. why3:attribute:: vc:white_box This attribute is added by the Why3 parser for contract attached to an expression in WhyML code. Such a contract is indeed encoded by a local function with this attribute. It is for internal use only and should never be added manually. .. why3:attribute:: vc:wp This attribute, put on a WhyML expression, locally switches the VC generator to the WP mode, for that expression. See :numref:`sec.strongestpostconditions` for details. .. _sec.metas: Why3 Metas ---------- .. why3:meta:: compute_max_steps .. why3:meta:: keep:literal .. why3:meta:: realized_theory .. why3:meta:: rewrite .. why3:meta:: rewrite_def .. why3:meta:: vc:proved_wf Declare a hypothesis as a proof of well-foundedness of a binary relation. See :numref:`sec.custom_wf`. .. _sec.debug: Debug Flags ----------- The list of debug flags can be obtained using :file:`why3 --list-debug-flags`. The following excerpt is the list of flags mentioned in this manual. .. why3:debug:: infer:loop .. why3:debug:: infer:print_ai_result .. why3:debug:: infer:print_cfg .. why3:debug:: print:inferred_invs .. why3:debug:: print:domains_loop .. why3:debug:: stack_trace Structure of Session Files -------------------------- The proof session state is stored in an XML file named :file:`{dir}/why3session.xml`, where *dir* is the directory of the project. The XML file follows the DTD given in :file:`share/why3session.dtd` and reproduced below. .. literalinclude:: ../share/why3session.dtd :language: dtd .. _sec.jsonce: Structure of Counterexamples ---------------------------- Generated counterexamples can be exported in JSON format. The JSON output follows the JSON Schema given in :file:`share/ce-models.json` and reproduced below. .. literalinclude:: ../share/ce-models.json :language: json Developer Documentation ----------------------- Updating messages for syntax errors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the developer's recipe to update a syntax error message. We do it on the following illustrative example. .. code-block:: whyml function let int : int If such a file is passed to Why3, one obtains: :: File "bench/parsing/bad/498_function.mlw", line 1, characters 9-12: syntax error The recipe given here provides a way to produce a more informative message. It is based on handcrafted error messages provided by the `Menhir `_ parser generator. The first step is to call :program:`menhir` with option ``--interpret-error`` while giving as input the erroneous input, under the form of a sequence of tokens as generated by :file:`src/parser/lexer.mll`. .. code-block:: console $ echo "decl_eof: FUNCTION LET" | menhir --base src/parser/parser --interpret-error src/parser/parser_common.mly src/parser/parser.mly decl_eof: FUNCTION LET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 1113. ## ## pure_decl -> FUNCTION . function_decl list(with_logic_decl) [ VAL USE TYPE THEORY SCOPE PREDICATE MODULE META LET LEMMA INDUCTIVE IMPORT GOAL FUNCTION EXCEPTION EOF END CONSTANT COINDUCTIVE CLONE AXIOM ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## FUNCTION ## The text returned by that command should be appended to :file:`src/parser/handcrafted.messages`, with of course an appropriate error message, such as this one: :: expected function name must be a non-reserved uncapitalized identifier (token LIDENT_NQ), found "$0"