.. _chap.vcgen: The VC Generators ================= This chapter gives information about the various processes that generate the so-called verification conditions, VC for short, from WhyML code. Program Functions ----------------- For each program function of the form .. parsed-literal:: let *f* (*x*:sub:`1`: *t*:sub:`1`) ... (*x*:sub:`n`: *t*:sub:`n`): *t* requires { *Pre* } ensures { *Post* } = *body* a new logic goal called ``f'VC`` is generated. Its shape is .. math:: \forall x_1,\dots,x_n,\quad \mathit{Pre} \Rightarrow \mathit{WP}(\mathit{body},\mathit{Post}) where :math:`\mathit{WP}(e,Q)` is a formula computed automatically using rules defined recursively on :math:`e`. The name :math:`\mathit{WP}` stands for Weakest Precondition, and its computation rules are directly inspired from the original Weakest Precondition Calculus of Dijkstra. Yet, due to the particular nature of the WhyML expression language, and the underlying concept of regions to identify side effects, the computation rules for :math:`\mathit{WP}` are specific to WhyML, and described in detail in a report by FilliĆ¢tre, Gondelman and Paskevich :cite:`gondelman16reg`. Controlling the VC generation ----------------------------- The generation of VCs can be controlled by the user, in particular using attributes put inside the WhyML source code. These attributes are :why3:attribute:`[@vc:divergent]`, :why3:attribute:`[@vc:sp]`, :why3:attribute:`[@vc:wp]` and :why3:attribute:`[@vc:keep_precondition]`. Their effects are detailed below. .. _sec.strongestpostconditions: Reducing size of VCs using Strongest Postconditions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is known that the original form of WP calculi can possibly generate formulas that are of exponential size in function of the size of the corresponding program. Yet, there are known techniques to avoid this exponential explosion :cite:`flanagan01popl`. Why3 implements its own specific variation, which can be invoked on a per-expression basis. In other words, this variant calculus can be activated locally on any program expression, by putting the :why3:attribute:`[@vc:sp]` attribute on that expression. Yet, the simplest usage is to pose this attribute on the whole body of a program function. The usage of the SP variant is in particular recommended in presence of sequence of if statements. As an example, consider the simple code below. .. code-block:: whyml predicate p int let f (x:int) (y:int) : int ensures { p result } = let ref r = 0 in if 0 < x then r <- r + 1 else r <- r + 2; if 0 < y then r <- r + 3 else r <- r + 4; r With the default calculus, the VC for :code:`f` is .. code-block:: whyml forall x:int, y:int. if 0 < x then forall r:int. r = (0 + 1) -> (if 0 < y then forall r1:int. r1 = (r + 3) -> p r1 else forall r1:int. r1 = (r + 4) -> p r1) else forall r:int. r = (0 + 2) -> (if 0 < y then forall r1:int. r1 = (r + 3) -> p r1 else forall r1:int. r1 = (r + 4) -> p r1) which contains 4 occurrences of the post-condition :code:`p r1`. With the :why3:attribute:`[@vc:sp]` attribute just before the line :code:`let ref r = 0 in`, the VC is now .. code-block:: whyml forall x:int, y:int. forall r:int. (if 0 < x then r = (0 + 1) else r = (0 + 2)) -> (forall r1:int. (if 0 < y then r1 = (r + 3) else r1 = (r + 4)) -> p r1) which has only one occurrence of the post-condition :code:`p r1`. The idea is that the strongest post-condition of each if statement was computed and used as an assumption for the rest of the VC. Note that inside an expression annotated with :why3:attribute:`[@vc:sp]`, it is possible to switch back to the default WP mode for a given sub-expression by annotating it with the attribute :why3:attribute:`[@vc:wp]` .. _sec.terminationvc: Ignoring checks for termination ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, Why3 generates VCs for ensuring the termination of loops and recursive calls. For example, on the program .. code-block:: whyml let f1 (x:int) : int = let ref r = 100 in while r > 0 do r <- r - x done; r Why3 issues a warning saying that the termination of the loop cannot be proved, and the generated VC indeed contains the formula :code:`false` to prove. On the one hand, if the loop is effectively terminating, it is expected to have a :code:`variant`. On the other hand, if a program like this is indeed intentionally not terminating, it is expected that its contract contains the clause :code:`diverges` that makes the non-termination explicit. This exposition of potential non-termination is propagated to callers, e.g., if continuing the same example one writes .. code-block:: whyml let f1 (x:int) : int diverges = let ref r = 100 in while r > 0 do r <- r - x done; r let g1 () = f 3 then no warning is issued for :code:`f1`, and its VC does not contain :code:`false` to be proved, but the warning will be issued for :code:`g1`, and the VC for :code:`g1` contains :code:`false` to be proved. The :code:`diverges` clause must be added in the contract of :code:`g1` too. Note that putting the :code:`diverges` clause in the contract of a function triggers an error when the function contains neither variant-free loops nor variant-free recursive calls nor calls to diverging functions. This behavior might be annoying for code generators, so they can put the attribute :why3:attribute:`[@vc:divergent]` on the body of the function, in place of the :code:`diverges` clause: .. code-block:: whyml let f2 (x:int) : int = [@vc:divergent] 100 - x Note that :why3:attribute:`[@vc:divergent]` has the same effect as :code:`diverges`, which means that :code:`f2` is now assumed to be diverging for functions that call it. As a consequence, the following code will again trigger a warning about the potentially non-terminating call to :code:`f2`. .. code-block:: whyml let g2 () = f2 7 .. _sec.custom_wf: Using a custom well-founded relation for termination ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Variants for termination can be associated to a specific ordering relation, thanks to the keyword :code:`with`. The following example illustrates this feature on a loop on bitvectors. .. code-block:: whyml use bv.BV32 let f () = let ref b = (42 : BV32.t) in while BV32.sgt b (0:BV32.t) do variant { b with BV32.slt } b <- BV32.sub b (1:BV32.t) done For the termination proof to be complete, the given ordering :math:`r` must be proved well-founded. In fact, it suffices to prove that, whenever proving :math:`r~x~y`, the term :math:`y` is accessible by :math:`r`. The VC generator introduces a proof obligation for that. A binary relation may be proved well-founded once and for all. In that case, one should add the meta :why3:meta:`vc:proved_wf` to the goal proving this fact. It will prevent the VC generator to introduce any accessibility obligation whenever this relation is used in a variant clause. The default orderings used in variant clause (on integers, range types, or algebraic types) are known to be well-founded by Why3, and so are the strict ordering relations on bitvectors, as in the example above. .. _sec.keeppreconditions: Keeping preconditions of calls in the logical context ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When calling a function :code:`f` in a WhyML expression, a VC is generated to check that the precondition of :code:`f` holds, for the given values of its parameters. Meanwhile, the VCs generated for the subsequent parts of the WhyML are not explicitly given the assumption that this precondition was valid. An example is as follows .. code-block:: whyml let f (x:int) : int requires { x > 7 } = x-1 let g1 (y:int) = let _ = f y in assert { y > 0 } On this code, after splitting the VC for :code:`g1`, none of the two subgoals generated are provable: the pre-condition of the call to :code:`f` is naturally not provable, neither is the assertion. On the contrary, if one writes .. code-block:: whyml let g2 (y:int) = let _ = [@vc:keep_precondition] f y in assert { y > 0 } then the pre-condition of the call to :code:`f` is known to hold after the call, making the assertion provable. Type Invariants --------------- When a record type is given an invariant, that invariant must hold on any value of that type occurring in the considered program. It means that when a value of this type is a parameter of a function, its invariant is assumed to hold. When a value of this type is constructed in the program, a check is inserted in the VC to ensure the validity of the invariant. Additionally, a verification condition is generated from the type declaration itself, to ensure that the type is inhabited, that is to ensure that there exist values for the record fields for which the invariant holds. Proving the existence of such values might be a difficult task for an automated prover. To help the proof of this VC, the user can provide a witness for a possible inhabitant, using the :code:`by` keyword. Lemma Functions --------------- A useful facility to state and prove logical statements is provided by the so-called lemma function mechanism. The principle is to add the keyword :code:`lemma` to a program function, under the following general shape. .. parsed-literal:: let lemma f (*x*:sub:`1`: *t*:sub:`1`) ... (*x*:sub:`n`: *t*:sub:`n`): unit requires { *Pre* } ensures { *Post* } = *body* In that case, the VC generated for :code:`f` is inserted as known logical fact in the context of the remaining goals of the considered WhyML module. For this to work, the function must have no side effects, be provably terminating, and return :code:`unit`. The generated fact is then .. math:: \forall x_1,\dots,x_n,\quad \mathit{Pre} \Rightarrow \mathit{Post} In particular, when the code of the function is recursive, it simulates a proof by induction. .. _sec.runwithinferloop: Automatic Inference of Loop Invariants -------------------------------------- Why3 can be executed with support for inferring loop invariants :cite:`baudin17` (see :numref:`sec.installinferloop` for information about the compilation of Why3 with support for `infer-loop`). There are two ways of enabling the inference of loop invariants: by passing the debug flag :why3:debug:`infer:loop` to Why3 or by annotating ``let`` declarations with the :why3:attribute:`[@infer]` attribute. Below is an example on how to invoke Why3 such that invariants are inferred for all the loops in the given file. :: why3 ide tests/infer/incr.mlw --debug=infer:loop In this case, the *Polyhedra* default domain will be used together with the default widening value of *3*. Why3 GUI will not display the inferred invariants in the source code, but the VCs corresponding to those invariants will be displayed and labeled with the ``infer-loop`` keyword as shown in :numref:`fig.gui.infer`. .. _fig.gui.infer: .. figure:: images/gui-infer.png :alt: The GUI with inferred invariants (after split). The GUI with inferred invariants (after split). Alternatively, attributes can be used in ``let`` declarations so that invariants are inferred for all the loops in that declaration. In this case, it is possible to select the desired domain and widening value. In the example below, invariants will be inferred using the *Polyhedra* domain and a widening value of *4*. These two arguments of the attribute can swapped, for instance, ``[@infer:Polyhedra:4]`` will produce exactly the same invariants. .. code-block:: whyml module Incr use int.Int use int.MinMax use ref.Ref use ref.Refint let incr[@infer:4:Polyhedra](x:int) : int ensures { result = max x 0 } = let i = ref 0 in while !i < x do variant { x - !i } incr i; done; !i end There are a few debugging flags that can be passed to Why3 to output additional information about the inference of loop invariants. Flag :why3:debug:`infer:print_cfg` will print the Control Flow Graph (CFG) used for abstract interpretation in a file with the name :file:`inferdbg.dot`; :why3:debug:`infer:print_ai_result` will print to the standard output the computed abstract values at each point of the CFG; :why3:debug:`print:inferred_invs` will print the inferred invariants to the standard output (note that the displayed identifiers names might not be consistent with those in the initial program); finally, :why3:debug:`print:domains_loop` will print for each loop the loop expression, the domain at that point, and its translation into a Why3 term. Current limitations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Loop invariants can only be inferred for loops inside (non-recursive) ``let`` declarations.