Why3 Standard Library index

Hash tables

This module provides Hash tables à la OCaml. Each key is mapped to a stack of values, with add h k v pushing a new value v for key k, and remove h k popping a value for key k.

For a simpler model of imperative finite maps, see modules fmap.FmapImp and fmap.FmapImpInt.

module Hashtbl

  use list.List
  use map.Map

  type key

  type t 'a = abstract { mutable contents: map key (list 'a) }

  function ([]) (h: t 'a) (k: key) : list 'a = Map.([]) h.contents k

  val create (_n:int) : t 'a ensures { forall k: key. result[k] = Nil }

  val clear (h: t 'a) : unit writes {h} ensures { forall k: key. h[k] = Nil }

  val add (h: t 'a) (k: key) (v: 'a) : unit writes {h}
    ensures { h[k] = Cons v (old h)[k] }
    ensures { forall k': key. k' <> k -> h[k'] = (old h)[k'] }

  val mem (h: t 'a) (k: key) : bool
    ensures { result=True <-> h[k] <> Nil }

  val find (h: t 'a) (k: key) : 'a
    requires { h[k] <> Nil }
    ensures  { match h[k] with Nil -> false | Cons v _ -> result = v end }

  val find_all (h: t 'a) (k: key) : list 'a
    ensures { result = h[k] }

  exception NotFound

  val defensive_find (h: t 'a) (k: key) : 'a
    ensures { match h[k] with Nil -> false | Cons v _ -> result = v end }
    raises  { NotFound -> h[k] = Nil }

  val copy (h: t 'a) : t 'a
    ensures { forall k: key. result[k] = h[k] }

  val remove (h: t 'a) (k: key) : unit writes {h}
    ensures { h[k] = match (old h)[k] with Nil -> Nil | Cons _ l -> l end }
    ensures { forall k': key. k' <> k -> h[k'] = (old h)[k'] }

  val replace (h: t 'a) (k: key) (v: 'a) : unit writes {h}
    ensures {
      h[k] = Cons v (match (old h)[k] with Nil -> Nil | Cons _ l -> l end) }
    ensures { forall k': key. k' <> k -> h[k'] = (old h)[k'] }


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