Why3 Standard Library index

Peano arithmetic

This module implements the idea described in this paper: How to avoid proving the absence of integer overflows

When extracted to OCaml, the following type Peano.t will be mapped to OCaml's type int (63-bit signed integers).

See also mach.onetime.

module Peano

  use int.Int

  type t = abstract { v: int }
  meta coercion function v

  val to_int (x: t) : int
    ensures { result = x.v }

  val constant zero : t
    ensures { result.v = 0 }

  val constant one : t
    ensures { result.v = 1 }

  val succ (x: t) : t
    ensures { result.v = x.v + 1 }

  val pred (x: t) : t
    ensures { result.v = x.v - 1 }

  val lt (x y: t) : bool
    ensures { result <-> x.v < y.v }
  val le (x y: t) : bool
    ensures { result <-> x.v <= y.v }
  val gt (x y: t) : bool
    ensures { result <-> x.v > y.v }
  val ge (x y: t) : bool
    ensures { result <-> x.v >= y.v }
  val eq (x y: t) : bool
    ensures { result <-> x.v = y.v }
  val ne (x y: t) : bool
    ensures { result <-> x.v <> y.v }

  val neg (x: t) : t
    ensures { result.v = - x.v }
  val abs (x: t) : t
    ensures { result.v = if x.v >= 0 then x.v else - x.v }
  val add (x y: t) (low high: t) : t
    requires { low.v <= x.v + y.v <= high.v }
    ensures  { result.v = x.v + y.v }
  val sub (x y: t) (low high: t) : t
    requires { low.v <= x.v - y.v <= high.v }
    ensures  { result.v = x.v - y.v }
  val mul (x y: t) (low high: t) : t
    requires { low.v <= x.v * y.v <= high.v }
    ensures  { result.v = x.v * y.v }

  val of_int (x: int) (low high: t) : t
    requires { low.v <= x <= high.v }
    ensures  { result.v = x }

  (* FIXME could replace low.v  by - max (abs low) (abs high)
                         high.v by   max (abs low) (abs high)
     avoid the computation of the bounds
     e.g. addition of two values of different signs


module ComputerDivision

  use int.Int
  use int.ComputerDivision
  use Peano

  val div (x y: t) : t
    requires { y.v <> 0 }
    ensures  { result.v = div x.v y.v }

  val mod (x y: t) : t
    requires { y.v <> 0 }
    ensures  { result.v = mod x.v y.v }


module MinMax

  use int.Int
  use int.MinMax
  use Peano

  val max (x y: t) : t
    ensures { result.v = max x.v y.v }

  val min (x y: t) : t
    ensures { result.v = min x.v y.v }


module Int63
  use int.Int
  use mach.int.Int63
  use Peano

  val defensive_to_int63 (x:t) : int63
    requires { Int63.in_bounds x.v }
    ensures { result = x.v }

  val partial to_int63 (x:t) : int63
    ensures { result = x.v }

  val of_int63 (x:int63) (low high: t) : t
    requires { low.v <= x <= high.v }
    ensures { result.v = x }


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