Why3 Standard Library index

Theory of reals

This file provides the basic theory of real numbers, and several additional theories for classical real functions.

Real numbers and the basic unary and binary operators

module Real

  constant zero : real = 0.0
  constant one  : real = 1.0

  val (=) (x y : real) : bool ensures { result <-> x = y }

  val function  (-_) real : real
  val function  (+)  real real : real
  val function  (*)  real real : real
  val predicate (<)  real real : bool

  let predicate (>)  (x y : real) = y < x
  let predicate (<=) (x y : real) = x < y || x = y
  let predicate (>=) (x y : real) = y <= x

  clone export algebra.OrderedField with type t = real,
    constant zero = zero, constant one = one,
    function (-_) = (-_), function (+) = (+),
    function (*) = (*), predicate (<=) = (<=)

  meta "remove_unused:keep" function (+)
  meta "remove_unused:keep" function (-)
(* do not necessarily keep, to allow for linear arithmetic only
  meta "remove_unused:keep" function (*)
  meta "remove_unused:keep" function (/)
  meta "remove_unused:keep" function (-_)
  meta "remove_unused:keep" predicate (<)
  meta "remove_unused:keep" predicate (<=)
  meta "remove_unused:keep" predicate (>)
  meta "remove_unused:keep" predicate (>=)

 let (-) (x y : real)
    ensures { result = x - y }
  = x + -y

  val (/) (x y:real) : real
    requires { y <> 0.0 }
    ensures  { result = x / y }


Alternative Infix Operators

This theory should be used instead of Real when one wants to use both integer and real binary operators.

module RealInfix

  use Real

  let function (+.) (x:real) (y:real) : real = x + y
  let function (-.) (x:real) (y:real) : real = x - y
  let function ( *.) (x:real) (y:real) : real = x * y
  function (/.) (x:real) (y:real) : real = x / y
  let function (-._) (x:real) : real = - x
  function inv (x:real) : real = Real.inv x

  let (=.) (x:real) (y:real) = x = y
  let predicate (<=.) (x:real) (y:real) = x <= y
  let predicate (>=.) (x:real) (y:real) = x >= y
  let predicate ( <.) (x:real) (y:real) = x < y
  let predicate ( >.) (x:real) (y:real) = x > y

  val (/.) (x y:real) : real
    requires { y <> 0.0 }
    ensures  { result = x /. y }


Absolute Value

module Abs

  use Real

  function abs(x : real) : real = if x >= 0.0 then x else -x

  lemma Abs_le: forall x y:real. abs x <= y <-> -y <= x <= y

  lemma Abs_pos: forall x:real. abs x >= 0.0

  lemma Abs_sum: forall x y:real. abs(x+y) <= abs x + abs y

  lemma Abs_prod: forall x y:real. abs(x*y) = abs x * abs y

  lemma triangular_inequality:
    forall x y z:real. abs(x-z) <= abs(x-y) + abs(y-z)


Minimum and Maximum

module MinMax

  use Real
  clone export relations.MinMax with type t = real, predicate le = (<=), goal .


Injection of integers into reals

module FromInt

  use int.Int as Int
  use Real

  function from_int int : real

  axiom Zero: from_int 0 = 0.0
  axiom One: from_int 1 = 1.0

  axiom Add:
    forall x y:int. from_int (Int.(+) x y) = from_int x + from_int y
  axiom Sub:
    forall x y:int. from_int (Int.(-) x y) = from_int x - from_int y
  axiom Mul:
    forall x y:int. from_int (Int.(*) x y) = from_int x * from_int y
  axiom Neg:
    forall x:int. from_int (Int.(-_) (x)) = - from_int x

  lemma Injective:
    forall x y: int. from_int x = from_int y -> x = y
  axiom Monotonic:
    forall x y:int. Int.(<=) x y -> from_int x <= from_int y


Various truncation functions

module Truncate

  use Real
  use FromInt

  function truncate real : int

rounds towards zero

  axiom Truncate_int :
    forall i:int. truncate (from_int i) = i

  axiom Truncate_down_pos:
    forall x:real. x >= 0.0 ->
      from_int (truncate x) <= x < from_int (Int.(+) (truncate x) 1)

  axiom Truncate_up_neg:
    forall x:real. x <= 0.0 ->
      from_int (Int.(-) (truncate x) 1) < x <= from_int (truncate x)

  axiom Real_of_truncate:
    forall x:real. x - 1.0 <= from_int (truncate x) <= x + 1.0

  axiom Truncate_monotonic:
    forall x y:real. x <= y -> Int.(<=) (truncate x) (truncate y)

  axiom Truncate_monotonic_int1:
    forall x:real, i:int. x <= from_int i -> Int.(<=) (truncate x) i

  axiom Truncate_monotonic_int2:
    forall x:real, i:int. from_int i <= x -> Int.(<=) i (truncate x)

  function floor real : int
  function ceil real : int

roundings up and down

  axiom Floor_int :
    forall i:int. floor (from_int i) = i

  axiom Ceil_int :
    forall i:int. ceil (from_int i) = i

  axiom Floor_down:
    forall x:real. from_int (floor x) <= x < from_int (Int.(+) (floor x) 1)

  axiom Ceil_up:
    forall x:real. from_int (Int.(-) (ceil x) 1) < x <= from_int (ceil x)

  axiom Floor_monotonic:
    forall x y:real. x <= y -> Int.(<=) (floor x) (floor y)

  axiom Ceil_monotonic:
    forall x y:real. x <= y -> Int.(<=) (ceil x) (ceil y)


Square and Square Root

module Square

  use Real

  function sqr (x : real) : real = x * x

  val function sqrt real : real

  axiom Sqrt_positive:
    forall x:real. x >= 0.0 -> sqrt x >= 0.0

  axiom Sqrt_square:
    forall x:real. x >= 0.0 -> sqr (sqrt x) = x

  axiom Square_sqrt:
    forall x:real. x >= 0.0 -> sqrt (x*x) = x

  axiom Sqrt_mul:
    forall x y:real. x >= 0.0 /\ y >= 0.0 ->
      sqrt (x*y) = sqrt x * sqrt y

  axiom Sqrt_le :
    forall x y:real. 0.0 <= x <= y -> sqrt x <= sqrt y


Exponential and Logarithm

module ExpLog

  use Real

  val function exp real : real
  axiom Exp_zero : exp(0.0) = 1.0
  axiom Exp_sum : forall x y:real. exp (x+y) = exp x * exp y
  axiom exp_increasing : forall x y. x <= y -> exp(x) <= exp(y)
  axiom exp_positive : forall x. exp(x) > 0.0
  axiom exp_inv : forall x. exp (-x) = inv (exp x)
  lemma exp_sum_opposite: forall x : real. exp(x) + exp(-x) >= 2.0

  constant e : real = exp 1.0

  val function log real : real
  axiom Log_one : log 1.0 = 0.0
  axiom Log_mul :
    forall x y:real. x > 0.0 /\ y > 0.0 -> log (x*y) = log x + log y
  axiom log_increasing : forall x y. 0.0 < x <= y -> log(x) <= log(y)

  axiom Log_exp: forall x:real. log (exp x) = x

  axiom Exp_log: forall x:real. x > 0.0 -> exp (log x) = x

  function log2 (x : real) : real = log x / log 2.0
  function log10 (x : real) : real = log x / log 10.0

  lemma log2_increasing : forall x y. 0. < x <= y -> log2(x) <= log2(y)
  lemma log10_increasing : forall x y. 0. < x <= y -> log10(x) <= log10(y)


Power of a real to an integer

module PowerInt

  use int.Int
  use RealInfix

  clone export int.Exponentiation with
    type t = real, constant one = Real.one, function (*) = Real.(*),
    goal Assoc, goal Unit_def_l, goal Unit_def_r, axiom Power_0, axiom Power_s

  lemma Pow_ge_one:
    forall x:real, n:int. 0 <= n /\ 1.0 <=. x -> 1.0 <=. power x n


Power of a real to a real exponent

module PowerReal

  use Real
  use ExpLog

  function pow real real : real

  axiom Pow_def:
    forall x y:real. x > 0.0 -> pow x y = exp (y * log x)

  lemma Pow_pos:
    forall x y. x > 0.0 -> pow x y > 0.0

  lemma Pow_plus :
    forall x y z. z > 0.0 -> pow z (x + y) = pow z x * pow z y

  lemma Pow_mult :
    forall x y z. x > 0.0 -> pow (pow x y) z = pow x (y * z)

  lemma Pow_x_zero:
    forall x:real. x > 0.0 -> pow x 0.0 = 1.0

  lemma Pow_x_one:
    forall x:real. x > 0.0 -> pow x 1.0 = x

  lemma Pow_one_y:
    forall y:real. pow 1.0 y = 1.0

  use Square

  lemma Pow_x_two:
    forall x:real. x > 0.0 -> pow x 2.0 = sqr x

  lemma Pow_half:
    forall x:real. x > 0.0 -> pow x 0.5 = sqrt x

  use FromInt
  use int.Power

  lemma pow_from_int: forall x y: int. Int.(<) 0 x -> Int.(<=) 0 y ->
                      pow (from_int x) (from_int y) = from_int (power x y)


Trigonometric Functions

See the wikipedia page.

module Trigonometry

  use Real
  use Square
  use Abs

  function cos real : real
  function sin real : real

  axiom Pythagorean_identity:
    forall x:real. sqr (cos x) + sqr (sin x) = 1.0

  lemma Cos_le_one: forall x:real. abs (cos x) <= 1.0
  lemma Sin_le_one: forall x:real. abs (sin x) <= 1.0

  axiom Cos_0: cos 0.0 = 1.0
  axiom Sin_0: sin 0.0 = 0.0

  val constant pi : real

  axiom Pi_double_precision_bounds:
    0x1.921fb54442d18p+1 < pi < 0x1.921fb54442d19p+1
  axiom Pi_interval:
   < pi <

  axiom Cos_pi: cos pi = -1.0
  axiom Sin_pi: sin pi = 0.0

  axiom Cos_pi2: cos (0.5 * pi) = 0.0
  axiom Sin_pi2: sin (0.5 * pi) = 1.0

  axiom Cos_plus_pi: forall x:real. cos (x + pi) = - cos x
  axiom Sin_plus_pi: forall x:real. sin (x + pi) = - sin x

  axiom Cos_plus_pi2: forall x:real. cos (x + 0.5*pi) = - sin x
  axiom Sin_plus_pi2: forall x:real. sin (x + 0.5*pi) = cos x

  axiom Cos_neg:
    forall x:real. cos (-x) = cos x
  axiom Sin_neg:
    forall x:real. sin (-x) = - sin x

  axiom Cos_sum:
    forall x y:real. cos (x+y) = cos x * cos y - sin x * sin y
  axiom Sin_sum:
    forall x y:real. sin (x+y) = sin x * cos y + cos x * sin y

  function tan (x : real) : real = sin x / cos x
  function atan real : real
  axiom Tan_atan:
    forall x:real. tan (atan x) = x


Hyperbolic Functions

See the wikipedia page.

module Hyperbolic

  use Real
  use Square
  use ExpLog

  function sinh (x : real) : real = 0.5 * (exp x - exp (-x))
  function cosh (x : real) : real = 0.5 * (exp x + exp (-x))
  function tanh (x : real) : real = sinh x / cosh x

  function asinh (x : real) : real = log (x + sqrt (sqr x + 1.0))
  function acosh (x : real) : real
  axiom Acosh_def:
    forall x:real. x >= 1.0 -> acosh x = log (x + sqrt (sqr x - 1.0))
  function atanh (x : real) : real
  axiom Atanh_def:
    forall x:real. -1.0 < x < 1.0 -> atanh x = 0.5 * log ((1.0+x)/(1.0-x))


Polar Coordinates

See the wikipedia page.

module Polar

  use Real
  use Square
  use Trigonometry

  function hypot (x y : real) : real = sqrt (sqr x + sqr y)
  function atan2 real real : real

  axiom X_from_polar:
    forall x y:real. x = hypot x y * cos (atan2 y x)

  axiom Y_from_polar:
    forall x y:real. y = hypot x y * sin (atan2 y x)


module Sum
  use int.Int
  use RealInfix

  let rec ghost function sum (f: int -> real) (a b: int) : real
    variant { b - a }
  = if (b <= a) then 0. else sum f a (b - 1) +. f (b - 1)

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