Why3 Standard Library index

Formalization of Floating-Point Arithmetic

This formalization follows the IEEE-754 standard.

Definition of IEEE-754 rounding modes

module Rounding

  type mode = NearestTiesToEven | ToZero | Up | Down | NearestTiesToAway

nearest ties to even, to zero, upward, downward, nearest ties to away


Handling of IEEE-754 special values

Special values are +infinity, -infinity, NaN, +0, -0. These are handled as described in [Ayad, Marché, IJCAR, 2010].

module SpecialValues

  type class = Finite | Infinite | NaN

  type sign = Neg | Pos

  use real.Real

  inductive same_sign_real sign real =
    | Neg_case: forall x:real. x < 0.0 -> same_sign_real Neg x
    | Pos_case: forall x:real. x > 0.0 -> same_sign_real Pos x

lemma same_sign_real_zero1 :
  forall b:sign. not same_sign_real b 0.0

lemma same_sign_real_zero2 :
  forall x:real.
    same_sign_real Neg x /\ same_sign_real Pos x -> false

lemma same_sign_real_zero3 :
  forall b:sign, x:real. same_sign_real b x -> x <> 0.0

lemma same_sign_real_correct2 :
  forall b:sign, x:real.
    same_sign_real b x -> (x < 0.0 <-> b = Neg)

lemma same_sign_real_correct3 :
  forall b:sign, x:real.
    same_sign_real b x -> (x > 0.0 <-> b = Pos)


Generic theory of floats

The theory is parametrized by the real constant max which denotes the maximal representable number, the real constant min which denotes the minimal number whose rounding is not null, and the integer constant max_representable_integer which is the maximal integer n such that every integer between 0 and n are representable.

module GenFloat

  use Rounding
  use real.Real
  use real.Abs
  use real.FromInt
  use int.Int as Int

  type t

  function round mode real : real

  function value t : real
  function exact t : real
  function model t : real

  function round_error (x : t) : real = abs (value x - exact x)
  function total_error (x : t) : real = abs (value x - model x)

  constant max : real

  predicate no_overflow (m:mode) (x:real) = abs (round m x) <= max

  axiom Bounded_real_no_overflow :
    forall m:mode, x:real. abs x <= max -> no_overflow m x

  axiom Round_monotonic :
    forall m:mode, x y:real. x <= y -> round m x <= round m y

  axiom Round_idempotent :
    forall m1 m2:mode, x:real. round m1 (round m2 x) = round m2 x

  axiom Round_value :
    forall m:mode, x:t. round m (value x) = value x

  axiom Bounded_value :
    forall x:t. abs (value x) <= max

  constant max_representable_integer : int

  axiom Exact_rounding_for_integers:
    forall m:mode,i:int.
      Int.(<=) (Int.(-_) max_representable_integer) i /\
      Int.(<=) i max_representable_integer ->
        round m (from_int i) = from_int i

rounding up and down

  axiom Round_down_le:
    forall x:real. round Down x <= x
  axiom Round_up_ge:
    forall x:real. round Up x >= x
  axiom Round_down_neg:
    forall x:real. round Down (-x) = - round Up x
  axiom Round_up_neg:
    forall x:real. round Up (-x) = - round Down x

rounding into a float instead of a real

  function round_logic mode real : t
  axiom Round_logic_def:
    forall m:mode, x:real.
      no_overflow m x ->
      value (round_logic m x) = round m x


Format of Single precision floats

A.k.a. binary32 numbers.

module SingleFormat

  type single

  constant max_single : real = 0x1.FFFFFEp127
  constant max_int : int = 16777216 (* 2^24 *)

  clone export GenFloatSpecStrict with
    type t = single,
    constant max = max_single,
    constant max_representable_integer = max_int


Format of Double precision floats

A.k.a. binary64 numbers.

module DoubleFormat

  type double

  constant max_double : real = 0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFp1023
  constant max_int : int = 9007199254740992 (* 2^53 *)

  clone export GenFloatSpecStrict with
    type t = double,
    constant max = max_double,
    constant max_representable_integer = max_int


module GenFloatSpecStrict

  use Rounding
  use real.Real
  clone export GenFloat with axiom .

  predicate of_real_post (m:mode) (x:real) (res:t) =
    value res = round m x /\ exact res = x /\ model res = x

binary operations

  predicate add_post (m:mode) (x y res:t) =
    value res = round m (value x + value y) /\
    exact res = exact x + exact y /\
    model res = model x + model y

  predicate sub_post (m:mode) (x y res:t) =
    value res = round m (value x - value y) /\
    exact res = exact x - exact y /\
    model res = model x - model y

  predicate mul_post (m:mode) (x y res:t) =
    value res = round m (value x * value y) /\
    exact res = exact x * exact y /\
    model res = model x * model y

  predicate div_post (m:mode) (x y res:t) =
    value res = round m (value x / value y) /\
    exact res = exact x / exact y /\
    model res = model x / model y

  predicate neg_post (x res:t) =
    value res = - value x /\
    exact res = - exact x /\
    model res = - model x


  predicate lt (x:t) (y:t) = value x < value y

  predicate gt (x:t) (y:t) = value x > value y


module Single

  use export SingleFormat

  clone export GenFloatSpecStrict with
    type t = single,
    constant max = max_single,
    constant max_representable_integer = max_int,
    lemma Bounded_real_no_overflow,
    axiom . (* TODO: "lemma"? "goal"? *)


module Double

  use export DoubleFormat

  clone export GenFloatSpecStrict with
    type t = double,
    constant max = max_double,
    constant max_representable_integer = max_int,
    lemma Bounded_real_no_overflow,
    axiom . (* TODO: "lemma"? "goal"? *)


Generic Full theory of floats

This theory extends the generic theory above by adding the special values.

module GenFloatFull

  use SpecialValues
  use Rounding
  use real.Real

  clone export GenFloat with axiom .

special values

  function class t : class

  predicate is_finite (x:t) = class x = Finite
  predicate is_infinite (x:t) = class x = Infinite
  predicate is_NaN (x:t) = class x = NaN
  predicate is_not_NaN (x:t) = is_finite x \/ is_infinite x

  lemma is_not_NaN: forall x:t. is_not_NaN x <-> not (is_NaN x)

  function sign t  : sign

  predicate same_sign_real (x:t) (y:real) =
    SpecialValues.same_sign_real (sign x) y
  predicate same_sign (x:t) (y:t)  = sign x = sign y
  predicate diff_sign (x:t) (y:t)  = sign x <> sign y

  predicate sign_zero_result (m:mode) (x:t) =
    value x = 0.0 ->
    match m with
    | Down -> sign x = Neg
    | _ -> sign x = Pos

  predicate is_minus_infinity (x:t) = is_infinite x /\ sign x = Neg
  predicate is_plus_infinity (x:t) = is_infinite x /\ sign x = Pos
  predicate is_gen_zero (x:t) = is_finite x /\ value x = 0.0
  predicate is_gen_zero_plus (x:t) = is_gen_zero x /\ sign x = Pos
  predicate is_gen_zero_minus (x:t) = is_gen_zero x /\ sign x = Neg

Useful lemmas on sign

  (* non-zero finite gen_float has the same sign as its float_value *)
  lemma finite_sign :
    forall x:t.
      class x = Finite /\ value x <> 0.0 -> same_sign_real x (value x)

  lemma finite_sign_pos1:
    forall x:t.
      class x = Finite /\ value x > 0.0 -> sign x = Pos

  lemma finite_sign_pos2:
    forall x:t.
      class x = Finite /\ value x <> 0.0 /\ sign x = Pos -> value x > 0.0

  lemma finite_sign_neg1:
    forall x:t. class x = Finite /\ value x < 0.0 -> sign x = Neg

  lemma finite_sign_neg2:
    forall x:t.
      class x = Finite /\ value x <> 0.0 /\ sign x = Neg -> value x < 0.0

  lemma diff_sign_trans:
    forall x y z:t. diff_sign x y /\ diff_sign y z -> same_sign x z

  lemma diff_sign_product:
    forall x y:t.
      class x = Finite /\ class y = Finite /\ value x * value y < 0.0
      -> diff_sign x y

  lemma same_sign_product:
    forall x y:t.
      class x = Finite /\ class y = Finite /\ same_sign x y
      -> value x * value y >= 0.0


  predicate overflow_value (m:mode) (x:t) =
    match m, sign x with
    | Down, Neg -> is_infinite x
    | Down, Pos -> is_finite x /\ value x = max
    | Up, Neg -> is_finite x /\ value x = - max
    | Up, Pos -> is_infinite x
    | ToZero, Neg -> is_finite x /\ value x = - max
    | ToZero, Pos -> is_finite x /\ value x = max
    | (NearestTiesToAway | NearestTiesToEven), _ -> is_infinite x

This predicate tells what is the result of a rounding in case of overflow

  lemma round1 :
    forall m:mode, x:real.
      no_overflow m x ->
        is_finite (round_logic m x) /\ value(round_logic m x) = round m x

rounding in logic

  lemma round2 :
    forall m:mode, x:real.
      not no_overflow m x ->
        same_sign_real (round_logic m x) x /\
        overflow_value m (round_logic m x)

  lemma round3 : forall m:mode, x:real. exact (round_logic m x) = x

  lemma round4 : forall m:mode, x:real. model (round_logic m x) = x

rounding of zero

  lemma round_of_zero : forall m:mode. is_gen_zero (round_logic m 0.0)

  use real.Abs

  lemma round_logic_le : forall m:mode, x:real.
    is_finite (round_logic m x) -> abs (value (round_logic m x)) <= max

  lemma round_no_overflow : forall m:mode, x:real.
    abs x <= max ->
    is_finite (round_logic m x) /\ value (round_logic m x) = round m x

  constant min : real

  lemma positive_constant : forall m:mode, x:real.
    min <= x <= max ->
    is_finite (round_logic m x) /\ value (round_logic m x) > 0.0 /\
    sign (round_logic m x) = Pos

  lemma negative_constant : forall m:mode, x:real.
    - max <= x <= - min ->
    is_finite (round_logic m x) /\ value (round_logic m x) < 0.0 /\
    sign (round_logic m x) = Neg

lemmas on gen_zero

  lemma is_gen_zero_comp1 : forall x y:t.
    is_gen_zero x /\ value x = value y /\ is_finite y -> is_gen_zero y

  lemma is_gen_zero_comp2 : forall x y:t.
    is_finite x /\ not (is_gen_zero x) /\ value x = value y
    -> not (is_gen_zero y)


module GenFloatSpecFull

  use real.Real
  use real.Square
  use Rounding
  use SpecialValues
  clone export GenFloatFull with axiom .

binary operations

  predicate add_post (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (r:t) =
    (is_NaN x \/ is_NaN y -> is_NaN r)
    (is_finite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r y)
    (is_infinite x /\ is_finite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x)
    (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y ->
     if same_sign x y then is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x
     else is_NaN r)
    (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ no_overflow m (value x + value y)
      -> is_finite r /\
        value r = round m (value x + value y) /\
        (if same_sign x y then same_sign r x
         else sign_zero_result m r))
    (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ not no_overflow m (value x + value y)
      -> SpecialValues.same_sign_real (sign r) (value x + value y)
         /\ overflow_value m r)
    /\ exact r = exact x + exact y
    /\ model r = model x + model y

  predicate sub_post (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (r:t) =
    (is_NaN x \/ is_NaN y -> is_NaN r)
    (is_finite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ diff_sign r y)
    (is_infinite x /\ is_finite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x)
    (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y ->
     if diff_sign x y then is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x
     else is_NaN r)
    (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ no_overflow m (value x - value y)
      -> is_finite r /\
        value r = round m (value x - value y) /\
        (if diff_sign x y then same_sign r x
         else sign_zero_result m r))
    (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ not no_overflow m (value x - value y)
      -> SpecialValues.same_sign_real (sign r) (value x - value y)
         /\ overflow_value m r)
    /\ exact r = exact x - exact y
    /\ model r = model x - model y

  predicate product_sign (z x y: t) =
    (same_sign x y -> sign z = Pos) /\ (diff_sign x y -> sign z = Neg)

  predicate mul_post (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (r:t) =
    (is_NaN x \/ is_NaN y -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_gen_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_finite x /\ is_infinite y /\ value x <> 0.0
         -> is_infinite r)
    /\ (is_infinite x /\ is_gen_zero y -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_infinite x /\ is_finite y /\ value y <> 0.0
         -> is_infinite r)
    /\ (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r)
    /\ (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ no_overflow m (value x * value y)
         -> is_finite r /\ value r = round m (value x * value y))
    /\ (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ not no_overflow m (value x * value y)
         -> overflow_value m r)
    /\ (not is_NaN r -> product_sign r x y)
    /\ exact r = exact x * exact y
    /\ model r = model x * model y

  predicate neg_post (x:t) (r:t) =
    (is_NaN x -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_infinite x -> is_infinite r)
    /\ (is_finite x -> is_finite r /\ value r = - value x)
    /\ (not is_NaN r -> diff_sign r x)
    /\ exact r = - exact x
    /\ model r = - model x

  predicate div_post (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (r:t) =
    (is_NaN x \/ is_NaN y -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_finite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_gen_zero r)
    /\ (is_infinite x /\ is_finite y -> is_infinite r)
    /\ (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ value y <> 0.0 /\
        no_overflow m (value x / value y)
        -> is_finite r /\ value r = round m (value x / value y))
    /\ (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ value y <> 0.0 /\
        not no_overflow m (value x / value y)
        -> overflow_value m r)
    /\ (is_finite x /\ is_gen_zero y /\ value x <> 0.0
        -> is_infinite r)
    /\ (is_gen_zero x /\ is_gen_zero y -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (not is_NaN r -> product_sign r x y)
    /\ exact r = exact x / exact y
    /\ model r = model x / model y

  predicate fma_post (m:mode) (x y z:t) (r:t) =
    (is_NaN x \/ is_NaN y \/ is_NaN z -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_gen_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_infinite x /\ is_gen_zero y -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_finite x /\ value x <> 0.0 /\ is_infinite y /\ is_finite z
        -> is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y)
    /\ (is_finite x /\ value x <> 0.0 /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z
        -> (if product_sign z x y then is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z
            else is_NaN r))
    /\ (is_infinite x /\ is_finite y /\ value y <> 0.0 /\ is_finite z
        -> is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y)
    /\ (is_infinite x /\ is_finite y /\ value y <> 0.0 /\ is_infinite z
        -> (if product_sign z x y then is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z
            else is_NaN r))
    /\ (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_finite z
        -> is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y)
    /\ (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ is_infinite z
        -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z)
    /\ (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z
        -> (if product_sign z x y then is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z
            else is_NaN r))
    /\ (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ is_finite z /\
        no_overflow m (value x * value y + value z)
        -> is_finite r /\
        value r = round m (value x * value y + value z) /\
        (if product_sign z x y then same_sign r z
         else (value x * value y + value z = 0.0 ->
               if m = Down then sign r = Neg else sign r = Pos)))
    /\ (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ is_finite z /\
        not no_overflow m (value x * value y + value z)
        -> SpecialValues.same_sign_real (sign r) (value x * value y + value z)
        /\ overflow_value m r)
    /\ exact r = exact x * exact y + exact z
    /\ model r = model x * model y + model z

  predicate sqrt_post (m:mode) (x:t) (r:t) =
    (is_NaN x -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_plus_infinity x -> is_plus_infinity r)
    /\ (is_minus_infinity x -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_finite x /\ value x < 0.0 -> is_NaN r)
    /\ (is_finite x /\ value x = 0.0
        -> is_finite r /\ value r = 0.0 /\ same_sign r x)
    /\ (is_finite x /\ value x > 0.0
        -> is_finite r /\ value r = round m (sqrt (value x)) /\ sign r = Pos)
    /\ exact r = sqrt (exact x)
    /\ model r = sqrt (model x)

  predicate of_real_exact_post (x:real) (r:t) =
    is_finite r /\ value r = x /\ exact r = x /\ model r = x


  predicate le (x:t) (y:t) =
    (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ value x <= value y)
    \/ (is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_NaN y)
    \/ (is_not_NaN x /\ is_plus_infinity y)

  predicate lt (x:t) (y:t) =
    (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ value x < value y)
    \/ (is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_NaN y /\ not (is_minus_infinity y))
    \/ (is_not_NaN x /\ not (is_plus_infinity x) /\ is_plus_infinity y)

  predicate ge (x:t) (y:t) = le y x

  predicate gt (x:t) (y:t) = lt y x

  predicate eq (x:t) (y:t) =
    (is_finite x /\ is_finite y /\ value x = value y) \/
    (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y)

  predicate ne (x:t) (y:t) = not (eq x y)

  lemma le_lt_trans:
    forall x y z:t. le x y /\ lt y z -> lt x z

  lemma lt_le_trans:
    forall x y z:t. lt x y /\ le y z -> lt x z

  lemma le_ge_asym:
    forall x y:t. le x y /\ ge x y -> eq x y

  lemma not_lt_ge: forall x y:t.
    not (lt x y) /\ is_not_NaN x /\ is_not_NaN y -> ge x y

  lemma not_gt_le: forall x y:t.
    not (gt x y) /\ is_not_NaN x /\ is_not_NaN y -> le x y


Full theory of single precision floats

module SingleFull

  use export SingleFormat

  constant min_single : real = 0x1p-149

  clone export GenFloatSpecFull with
    type t = single,
    constant min = min_single,
    constant max = max_single,
    constant max_representable_integer = max_int,
    lemma Bounded_real_no_overflow,
    axiom . (* TODO: "lemma"? "goal"? *)


Full theory of double precision floats

module DoubleFull

  use export DoubleFormat

  constant min_double : real = 0x1p-1074

  clone export GenFloatSpecFull with
    type t = double,
    constant min = min_double,
    constant max = max_double,
    constant max_representable_integer = max_int,
    lemma Bounded_real_no_overflow,
    axiom . (* TODO: "lemma"? "goal"? *)


module GenFloatSpecMultiRounding

  use Rounding
  use real.Real
  use real.Abs
  clone export GenFloat with axiom .

binary operations

  constant min_normalized : real
  constant eps_normalized : real
  constant eta_normalized : real

  predicate add_post (_m:mode) (x y res:t) =
    ((* CASE 1 : normalized numbers *)
     (abs(value x + value y) >= min_normalized ->
      abs(value res - (value x + value y)) <= eps_normalized * abs(value x + value y))
     (*CASE 2: denormalized numbers *)
     (abs(value x + value y) <= min_normalized ->
      abs(value res - (value x + value y)) <= eta_normalized))
    exact res = exact x + exact y
    model res = model x + model y

  predicate sub_post (_m:mode) (x y res:t) =
    ((* CASE 1 : normalized numbers *)
     (abs(value x - value y) >= min_normalized ->
      abs(value res - (value x - value y)) <= eps_normalized * abs(value x - value y))
     (*CASE 2: denormalized numbers *)
     (abs(value x - value y) <= min_normalized ->
      abs(value res - (value x - value y)) <= eta_normalized))
    exact res = exact x - exact y
    model res = model x - model y

  predicate mul_post (_m:mode) (x y res:t) =
    ((* CASE 1 : normalized numbers *)
     (abs(value x * value y) >= min_normalized ->
      abs(value res - (value x * value y)) <= eps_normalized * abs(value x * value y))
     (*CASE 2: denormalized numbers *)
     (abs(value x * value y) <= min_normalized ->
      abs(value res - (value x * value y)) <= eta_normalized))
   /\ exact res = exact x * exact y
   /\ model res = model x * model y

  predicate neg_post (_m:mode) (x res:t) =
   ((abs(value x) >= min_normalized ->
     abs(value res - (- value x)) <= eps_normalized * abs(- value x))
    (abs(value x) <= min_normalized ->
     abs(value res - (- value x)) <= eta_normalized))
   /\ exact res = - exact x
   /\ model res = - model x

  predicate of_real_post (m:mode) (x:real) (res:t) =
    value res = round m x /\ exact res = x /\ model res = x

  predicate of_real_exact_post (x:real) (r:t) =
    value r = x /\ exact r = x /\ model r = x


  predicate lt (x:t) (y:t) = value x < value y

  predicate gt (x:t) (y:t) = value x > value y


module DoubleMultiRounding

  use export DoubleFormat

  constant min_normalized_double : real = 0x1p-1022
  constant eps_normalized_double : real = 0x1.004p-53
  constant eta_normalized_double : real = 0x1.002p-1075

  clone export GenFloatSpecMultiRounding with
    type t = double,
    constant max = max_double,
    constant max_representable_integer = max_int,
    constant min_normalized = min_normalized_double,
    constant eps_normalized = eps_normalized_double,
    constant eta_normalized = eta_normalized_double,
    lemma Bounded_real_no_overflow,
    axiom . (* TODO: "lemma"? "goal"? *)


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