Why3 Standard Library index

Fixed-point computations

This module provides an interpretation of 64-bit machine integers as fixed-point numbers. The C driver for extraction supports it.

module Fxp

use real.Real
use real.RealInfix
use int.Int
use int.EuclideanDivision as Div
use int.Power as PowerInt
use real.Square
use real.FromInt as FromInt
use real.PowerReal as PowerReal
use real.Truncate as Trunc
use mach.int.UInt64
use mach.int.Int64 as Int64

function pow2 (k: int): real =
  PowerReal.pow 2. (FromInt.from_int k)

function trunc_at (x: real) (k: int): real =
  FromInt.from_int (Trunc.floor (x *. pow2 (-k))) *. pow2 k

type fxp =
    { ival: uint64; ghost rval: real; ghost iexp: int }
  invariant { rval = trunc_at rval iexp }
  invariant { ival = Div.mod (Trunc.floor (rval *. pow2 (-iexp))) (uint64'maxInt + 1) }
  by { ival = 0; rval = 0.; iexp = 0 }

This is the type of fixed-point numbers. The two ghost fields explain how the integer value ival is related to the real value rval and the position iexp of the binary point. As a first approximation, one can think of the invariants as meaning rval = ival * pow2 iexp. The interpretation is slightly more subtle as the operations below support overflows, that is, as long as the final real result is in the valid range, intermediate computations can safely overflow (which invalidates the naive invariant above).

let fxp_init [@extraction:inline] (x: uint64) (ghost k: int): fxp
= { ival = x; rval = FromInt.from_int (to_int x) *. pow2 k; iexp = k }

Initialize a fixed-point number with an integer x by setting the position k of its binary point.

let fxp_id [@extraction:inline] (x: fxp) (ghost k: int): fxp
= { ival = ival x; rval = rval x *. pow2 k; iexp = iexp x + k }

Multiply the real value represented by x by a power of two. The integer value is left unchanged, as only the binary point is moved. See also fxp_lsl.

val fxp_add (x y: fxp): fxp
  requires { [@expl:fxp alignment] iexp x = iexp y }
  ensures { rval result = rval x +. rval y }
  ensures { iexp result = iexp x }

Add two fixed-point numbers that have aligned binary points.

val fxp_sub (x y: fxp): fxp
  requires { [@expl:fxp alignment] iexp x = iexp y }
  ensures { rval result = rval x -. rval y }
  ensures { iexp result = iexp x }

Subtract two fixed-point numbers that have aligned binary points.

val fxp_mul (x y: fxp): fxp
  ensures { rval result = rval x *. rval y }
  ensures { iexp result = iexp x + iexp y }

Multiply two fixed-point numbers.

val fxp_lsl (x: fxp) (k: uint64): fxp
  ensures { rval result = rval x }
  ensures { iexp result = iexp x - to_int k }

Move the binary point of x to the right. The real value of x is left unchanged, while its integer value is multiplied by a power of two.

val fxp_lsr (x: fxp) (k: uint64): fxp
  requires { [@expl:fxp overflow] 0. <=. rval x <=. FromInt.from_int uint64'maxInt *. pow2 (iexp x) }
  ensures { rval result = trunc_at (rval x) (iexp x + k) }
  ensures { iexp result = iexp x + k }

Move the binary point of x to the left. The real value of x is truncated, while its integer value is divided by a power of two. See also fxp_asr.

val fxp_asr (x: fxp) (k: uint64): fxp
  requires { [@expl:fxp overflow] FromInt.from_int Int64.int64'minInt *. pow2 (iexp x) <=. rval x <=. FromInt.from_int Int64.int64'maxInt *. pow2 (iexp x) }
  ensures { rval result = trunc_at (rval x) (iexp x + k) }
  ensures { iexp result = iexp x + k }

Move the binary point of x to the left. The real value of x is truncated, while its integer value (seen as a signed number) is divided by a power of two.

val fxp_asr' (x: fxp) (k: uint64) (ghost l: int): fxp
  requires { [@expl:fxp overflow] FromInt.from_int Int64.int64'minInt *. pow2 (iexp x) <=. rval x <=. FromInt.from_int Int64.int64'maxInt *. pow2 (iexp x) }
  ensures { rval result = trunc_at (rval x *. pow2 (-l)) (iexp x + k - l) }
  ensures { iexp result = iexp x + k - l }

Perform fxp_id followed by fxp_asr.


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